Party Time part 1

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This is a multi-part story to include all my ships for v1 in the same story. I also plan on making something like this for v2 and v3 so just be patient for those in the future. Just so you know this is a non-despair au story so ;)
Part 1 Makoto x Byakuya

*Makoto Naegi POV*

I put my hand on the door to Kyoko's house. A week ago the class decided to have a whole grade (minus Junko) party. Kyoko agreed to host it at her house because it was large enough for it. I let out a sigh. Everybody from my grade will be here just play it cool ok. Opening the door I was immediately bombarded with flashing lights, loud music, and the smell of alcohol. I can already tell this is gonna be a disaster.

As I pushed my way through the crowd I made it to a nice and open spot for people who just got there and to my luck Kyoko was standing right there seemingly waiting for someone. "Hey, Kyoko. There are a lot more people in our grade than I realized" I said loudly with a chuckle trying to be heard over the music. Kyoko's eyes looked relieved when she saw me and quickly replied. "Ah you're here now we're just waiting for Togami and Fukawa then our whole class will be here," she said just barely loud enough to hear over the music. " Oh really? Well, I can tell you that Toko will be here soon, she was dead set on bringing Komaru with her so I saw her at my house before I left. They looked like they were almost ready to leave. Though for Togami kun I have no clue if he's even coming" I replied, happy that I could provide some info. "Oh, I didn't know Fukawa and your sister were friends. That's nice to hear and Togami is coming to the party. I told him something to insure that" Kyoko smiled as she said the last part and it made me slightly unnerved. When it comes to Kyoko, as she is the ultimate detective, she can come upon some pretty persuasive leverage that she isn't afraid to use to get people to do certain things, even though she's my best friend she has even used some on me. I shivered at the thought of what Kyoko could have said to Togami to make him come along but I rather not think about that right now...

Kyoko's eyes darted to look behind me. "Hey, guys! Sorry, we're a little behind" I immediately recognized my sister's voice. I turned to Komaru and Toko dressed nicely which was pretty rare for Toko. Komaru was wearing a nice rose gold dress that came down to her knees (go to the end to see pictures of the dresses) and Toko in a black lace dress that went below her knees and black heeled ankle boots. Their outfits were so pretty along with Kyoko's a shorter lilac purple dress with a few flowers on the bodice that it made me feel a bit out of place with my white button-up, back jeans, and a green hoodie. "You two look very lovely tonight. Now that you're here we're just waiting for Togami to arrive" Kyoko spoke in her monotone voice nodding to Komaru and Toko as a greeting. "O-oh so m-master Byakuya will b-be here t-tonight," Toko said barely audible over the loud music as she clutched desperately onto Komaru's arm clearly not liking the bustling atmosphere. Toko used to have a huge crush on Togami kun for a long while (which Makoto was kinda unhappy about though he didn't even notice he was) until she became friends with Komaru and "slowly" started developing a crush on her and leaving the one for Togami behind, though she still calls him master and does almost anything he says it was clear that the old Toko was far gone. Now she has a lot more confidence and her stutter only really affects her when she's stressed. Once she started hanging with Komaru I often saw her at our house and we became a little closer. I think of her as a friend and I'm pretty sure she feels the same.

"Oh! Makoto you're here! We've been waiting on you" Aoi one of my other close friends shouted from not so far away. She came running up to and wrapping her arm around my shoulder, Ogami following not so far behind. She was wearing a red party dress with a cropped white zip-up hoodie on top, along with some wedged sandals making her taller than me by an inch or two. Ogami on the other hand was wearing a white and black bodysuit thing that was flattering on her, along with her seemingly untameable hair tied back into a ponytail at the back of her neck. I let out a chuckle as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as well. "Nice to see you too," I said with a goofy smile. So far I'm not regretting coming to this party... being surrounded by friends and feeling so happy for some unknown reason.

*Komaru Naegi POV*

I looked at my brother as a huge goofy grin spread across his face. Before luckily being let into hope's peak on lottery Makoto always had trouble making friends unlike me. He was so quiet and introverted before and now... he looked so happy... free... alive... a side of my brother that I hadn't seen since we were little. I missed it. I didn't realize I was crying until Toko grabbed my hand and pulled me away a bit. Both of her warm hands reached my cheeks softly, a fearful and worried look plastered on her face. Her thumbs ran back and forth on my cheeks whipping away the wetness that I hadn't realized was there. "Y-Your crying, are y-you ok. Do you n-need to l-leave cause we c-can leave if you're n-not feeling well" her voice was hushed and meant only for me, I felt love and admiration bubble in my chest as I brought my hand to rest on top of hers and gently lean into them. "No, it's ok. I... I was just really happy is all" I leaned into her more closing my eyes. "Makoto used to be so lonely and sad all the time it's just really nice to see him act the way we did when we were younger. The happy carefree side".

*Makoto Naegi POV*

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Toko quickly pulling Komaru away, it looked like they were talking about something. My attention was quickly pulled away from my sister as Aoi dragged me to another room. I quickly waved goodbye to Kyoko and hurriedly started to follow the girl as to not get dragged along. Ogami came along as we made our way from room to room. We finally stopped in a medium-sized room filled with almost all our classmates minus Toko, Kyoko, and Togami kun.

I was quickly greeted by everyone once Aoi shouted that I was here making me giggle at her silly antics. We all sat in an odd-shaped circle and though there were a few party members who came in and out or stood in a corner with their friends it was mostly just us in the room.


It had been about 40 minutes since I got to the party and there was still no sign of Togami yet. We were still in the same room chatting with each other. Toko and Komaru had come in and we basically claimed the whole room for ourselves.

I sat in a comfy chair that sat right up against the wall quietly watching my friends chat, smile, and well drink. I lift my head from where I was looking at my friends and my eyes immediately met with the icy blue ones I knew all too well. Finally, Togami kun was here.

Togami stood at the entrance to this room Kyoko right beside him, she seemingly thought she had done her job and went to sit by Celeste. Togami who was still making eye contact with me walked over in my direction until..." HOLY SHIT HE CAME! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T A FAN OF PARTIES" shouted an overly drunk Hiro from the spot he sat between Kuwata and Aoi. Togami stared unimpressed at Hiro's drunk antics and completely ignored the overly dramatic shocked gasps from the rest of the class.

Togami sat in the empty pillowed seat beside me. "So Kyoko did say something to get you to attend, I was hoping for your sake she didn't," I say as I let out a chuckle. He on the other hand just glared at Kyoko from his seat almost burning holes into her head with his gaze.

"Well I guess it can't be helped now," Togami said with a sigh looking away from all the students. "HEY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!" me and Togami kun both turned our attention to the now standing Aoi. "good. Now that everyone is here Hiro and I thought it would be a GREAT idea for all of us to play a game of truth and dare!" Aoi lowered her voice a bit knowing she had gotten all of our attention. "And before you say no you don't have a choice." with that she plopped back down in her spot. "Come on Togami kun let's join the circle," I said getting up. "I'd rather not. This is a childish game that my precious time should not be wasted on" his voice and words were laced with venom. "O-oh ok. You don't h-have play I guess..." I spoke quietly not wanting to upset him further and made my way to sit in the circle.

so this is only part one of course and I was gonna have each ship only have one part but........ I really wanted to get this part out because I've been working on it forever so......... enjoy this while spend 3 months writing part 2 :) (1630 total word)

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