Chapter 1 ~Starting Today You Are A Hostess!~

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I stare up at the pink castle, called Ouran Highschool, for the rich. See I wasn't rich, I had gotten a scholarship here a while back, for my smarts and excellence. I was called a 'commoner' or at least that's what they meaning the rich, would call me. I look down at the fancy uniform I was wearing. It was a yellow dress with puffy sleeves, wrist cuffs, and a thin pink bow that tied around my neck. I wore white tights, with brown shoes. I had been saving up for over 6 months for this dress, knowing that I couldn't afford it otherwise.
I make my way up a flight of glass stairs, that lead to the main office where Mr. Suoh was. Wow I wonder how much it costed to make this place, I think to my self while staring around. "Hello!" Says Mr.Suoh "You must be Takara Misora" I smile and nod my head. "You're in class room 1-A it's just right down the hall to your left" he says smiling. "Thank you!" i say waving good-bye and making my way to the classroom.
There it is, classroom 1-A. I take a deep breath, and walk inside. Of course I was late, I walk in and everyone stares at me it seemed as if they were all giving me a dirty look. Either that or they're bored out of their minds. The teacher stands up from his desk "Hello, you must me Ms. Misora" he says cheerfully, and obviously faking his smile. I smile and nod "Yes, but you can call me Takara" I say. "Okay Takara. Your seat is right over there" He says pointing in between two strawberry blonde boys, that look like twins. "Thank you!" I say slowly walking over to my seat, and sitting down. The teacher was talking, and I had basically zoned out for 5 minutes so I had no idea what was going on.
I got the feeling someone was watching me, I look to my left, and then to my right to see both the strawberry blonde twins staring at me. I give them an awkward smile, and pay my attention towards the teacher.
"Hikaru" I hear one of the twins say.
"Kaoru" I hear the other say.
I look at both of them, "T-Takara" I say hesitating. "No need to be shy" they both say in unison. I give them an awkward smile. "The shy type" they both say in unison, once again. It was really creepy how they could do that. "Y-yeah.. I'm a bit shy" I say. "You know.. we haven't known you for long, but you should definitely stop by the abandoned music room after class ends." says Hikaru, at least I believe that's the one that said it. "I-uhm.. why?" I ask. "My friends, and I. We host a club in there. We want you to come check it out that's all." Says Kaoru. "I uhm.. I don't know" I say slumping down in my chair, and tapping my pencil on the desk. "C'mon it'll be fun" they both say. "I guess.. sure" I say smiling. They both give each other an evil look, and return their focus on the teacher. They really did scare me, but they were both cute, and that's all that matters... right?
Finally class was over. This was my first year at an actual rich Highschool, and I found out that instead of switching classes every period, you get a new teacher every period. Everyone was gone except for me. I couldn't decide weather or not to go to the abandoned music room. I mean I guess I should... nothing bad is gonna happen right?
*Music Room 3*
"This must be it" I whisper to myself twisting to handle of the large door. I open in, and rose pedals come flying at me. "Welcome to the host club" 7 guys say. I finally got a clear view. I was blinded by the light, and rose pedals that flew at me when I opened the door. I see the twins, a blonde boy with violet blue eyes, a black haired boy, with glasses who looked like he must be the brains, a tall boy with a very serious look on his face, a short boy holding a bunny rabbit with honey coloured hair, and a boy? they were dressed in boy clothes, but you could tell from her eyes it was a girl. Cross dresser maybe? she was in my class Haruhi is her name I believe.
"H-hi" I say.
"Don't be shy princess, come in" says the blonde boy with violet eyes, holding a red rose, for me?
I step in. "This is Takara" say both the twins.
"You know her?" asks the blonde boy with violet eyes.
"Yes. I believe she's in Hikaru, and Kaoru's class" says the dark haired boy with glasses.
"E-exuse me.... if it's not a bother, could I maybe get your names?" I ask
"sorry princess, I'm Tamaki the princely type"
"Kyoya, the cool type"
"honey the boy Lolita. can I call you taka-chan!?!"
"Mori, the strong silent type"
"Hikaru, and Kaoru the mischievous type"
"Nice to meet you, but what's the point of this club anyways?" I ask
"well. just think of it as Ouran Acadamy's playground for the super rich, and youth" says Tamaki.
"well I must be going now...." I say walking towards the door
"no! taka-chan come back!!" says honey pulling me by my sleeve.
"So have you seen any clubs you like here yet?" asks Tamaki.
"This is my first day...." I say
"you know boss, we should make Takara a hostess of this club" say the twins
"that would be a great idea!" says Tamaki.
"Well Takara, what do you say" says Hikaru
"I uhm.. I just met you guys today"
"Yeah.. but it'll be fun" says Kaoru
"She doesn't have to join the club, if she doesn't want to. She would only be forced to join if something were to happen like, she has to pay a debt" says Kyoya.
"Pay a w-" before I could finish my sentence the twins come over and lean on me. "It would be a shame if something were to happen.." they say. They started to push me, and I wasn't the strong type. I tried to fight it, but it wouldn't work. I turn my head to see wear they were pushing me too "guys watch out for that-" *crack* "vase..." I say.
"Kyoya. Takara broke the vase" say the twins.
Please tell me someone saw them push me..
"Takara, that costs 10 million yen. You're going to have to join in the host club, to pay off your debt."
Now I see the twins plan, that's why they're the mischievous type.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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