Chapter 2

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I was so nervous I only slept an hour. When Draco entered my room the next morning, he found me wide awake, with dark circles around my eyes.
"Did you even sleep Y/n?"
"Uhm... An hour?"
Draco sighed.
"Get ready, you don't want to be late"
He got out of my room and I put on my favorite and only dress. I brushed my hair quickly and hurried into the kitchen.

"Hello darling, want an apple?" Asked my mom.
"Thank you mother but I'm not hungry" I was so anxious I couldn't eat anything. My brother was finishing his jam and toasts. He got up and cleared his plate in the sink.
My dad entered the room.
"Go and take your luggages, the Portkey is ready"
I climbed the stairs, took my suitcase and Caramel's cage, and rushed back down.
Draco arrived just after, and we all grabed the Portkey.

We were teleported to a small room.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"It's a room in the train station. I honestly don't know why it's there, but it's useful to teleport." Answered Draco.
We got out of the room and carried our luggages through the station. When we arrived at the wall between the 9th and 10th platforms, I felt a bit stressed out. Draco elbowed my side.
"Are you scared little sis?" He joked.
I grumbled, and walked towards the wall. I went through it surprisingly easily. It felt like going through jello. My brother appeared beside me.
"Platform 9 3/4" He announced.
"Thanks Sherlock" I replied. My father arrived.
"You should go in the train, it leaves in 5 minutes" He told us. "And, Y/n, be sure to go to Slytherin!"
I smiled at him before turning away and following my brother towards the train.

I entered the train and, not knowing where to go, followed my brother.
We had walked past a few seats when he bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're going, idiot!" He exclaimed. He looked up towards the guy he had bumped into. His lips turned into a smirk.
"Potter." He said, calmly.
"Malfoy." The other, which I assumed was Harry Potter, answered.
"Still going to school? I heard someone named Sirius Black wanted to kill you. I thought you already peed your pants and refused to go to school, scaredy cat. You wanted to look brave, huh? You know what? I'd be happy if he finally succeeded to kill you." Spat my brother.
I looked at him, shocked. I knew my brother could be mean sometimes, or even most of the time, but not this mean!
The other boy looked at him with disgust, before answering.
"As far as I remember, Malfoy, I'm the one who saved this school twice."
"Voldemort just had pity on you." My brother laughed.

A girl appeared behind the boy and said
"Let's go Harry, he's not worth our time."
Before turning around, she looked at me. Her brown eyes locked with mine. She had beautiful, long and curly brown hair. My heart slammed in my chest. She turned around and hurried away.

I looked at my brother.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"Some dumb idiots who think they're intelligent and powerful. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger." He answered in disgust.
"Why do you hate them so much?"
"On the first day of school, I offered to be Harry's friend, and that brat refused." He answered, frustrated. "Plus, he thinks he's so powerful only because he's lucky he was in the right place at the right time."
I couldn't help but laugh. My brother growled, annoyed, before walking into a compartment. I followed him, and sat next to him.

Two students joined us shortly after.
"Hey Draco!" Said the guy.
"Hey Blaise" Answered my brother. "Hey Pansy." He added, turning towards the girl. She watched me with deadly eyes.
"Hey Draco. Mind telling us who this is?"
I looked at my brother.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"What?" He replied.
"You didn't even bother to tell your friends about me?"
"What are you, his girlfriend?" Demanded Pansy, clearly annoyed. Draco and I stared at her for a second, stunned, before we both broke out into laughter.
"Sorry." I apologized. "I'm Draco's sister, Y/n Malfoy."
The girl looked at me, embarrassed.
"Oh, sorry. Nice to meet you then."
I smiled.
"Why didn't you tell us you had a sister, Draco?" Asked Blaise.
"Well..." Started my brother. "I forgot?"
I stared at him.
"I wasn't sure you wanted me to talk about you." He whispered in my ear.
I had always been quite shy, and it was hard for me to open up to people, which is why I was homeschooled for 2 years, so I understood why Draco did this. He wasn't sure if I was ready for other people to know about me.

I laid back on my seat and I was about to fall asleep when the train came to a stop. I straightened up, listening to the silence. We all looked outside the window to try and catch a glimpse of what was happening. It was so dark outside that we could barely see anything. Suddenly, ice started forming itself on the sides of the window. I looked at the others, who were as surprised as me.
"What is happening?" Asked Pansy.
"I have no idea" Answered Draco.
The door of our compartment flew open, and a shadowy figure shot past it in the darkness. After her came a freezing wind, giving me the chills. I shivered.

Then, the ice on the window disappeared, the door of our compartment closed itself and the train started moving forward again, like nothing ever happened.
We all looked at each other.
"Well, that was weird..." Said Blaise. We all nodded.

Hermione X Reader // Harry Potter LGBTQ FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now