- London -

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The plane flight made me sick. As I stepped out of the plane I could feel the cold air touch my face. From the plane and out of the airport I could feel how tired I was from the flight. There was baby's crying, mothers running around looking for there child. And I sat down reading a book. I love poetry and reading. It has always been my specialty for a long time now.

Sadie and Millie where going to pick me up from the airport sense my mother was working. I quickly picked up my bag and moved my way out of the airport. On the way out it was crowds with people. I don't know why but it must be because it's Sunday and families are getting reunited. I'm here because my dad has recently married someone. That someone is a young blond woman that's half my dads age. I just don't want to live there right now so I'm moving to my mom, who lives in London. She lives in Wandsworth, London.

When I walk out I could see Sadie running up to me hugging me.
- Your finally here!!! She was really excited about seeing me. It has been 6 years since I saw her.
- I've missed you a lot..! I said lowering my face a little bit.
- Millies waiting for us in the car, over there! She pointed at a white Jeep. It was a really pretty car.
I ran up to the car as Sadie took my bags and followed me. She opened the window.
- Ohh-Myy-Goddd!!! Your car is soooo gorgeous!! I said looking up at her because the Jeep was so tall. I opened the door and sat down. Millie and I have been best friends for 12 years now and We met Sadie when she came to town. We all lived next to each other and hung out all the time. But when I left it wasn't the same.
- Should we start to move our way home maybe?? Sadie said from the back. I didn't hear her come in.

We talked the hole way we talked. Until they told me something I didn't know.
- So we all used to live next to each other but your mom moved, Sadie said looking at me.
- W-what do you mean?? I asked with a shaking voice.
- Yeah your mom moved to another street and I don't think we are going to the same school..., Millie continued.
- It will be fine though cause we can see each other on the weekends! Sadie said with a pitched voice to sound happy.
- But I will miss you guys!! I said trying not to cry. I'm not sensitive, I'm on my period so that's probably why.
- And that's why we drove you instead of your mom. She isn't really working, Sadie explained.
- Well do you know what school?? I asked. I wanted to know.
- The Southwest Wandsworth High... TSWH, Millie said with a lowered voice.
- Soo.. a, P-p-privet school??
- Yepp, the one full of snobs.., Sadie said. " Also I have some news..." she continued.
- Okk... I said waiting for a answer.
- I'm together with Caleb! She said with a high pitch voice. Again. I nodded and smiled. I don't like Caleb. I've never liked Caleb and will never. Millie says it just because I'm jealous. But I'm not. They always fool around, calling each other cute names and cute couple things.

Wait what am I doing... Im not jealous, I'm just.. thinking!

They dropped me off at a big White House. Ummm... this can't be where I live. My mom could never afford that.

The house was big a white. The neighborhood was filled with pretty houses. But this house was the prettiest. In front of the house three cars where parked in front of a garage. The house had a big green garden.
- Sweetie!! Your here, a lady image moved closer to me. She was a brunette with green eyes like me and whore a white long dress. It was my mom.
- MOM!!! I screamed and hugged her tight. She kissed me multiple times on my head.
- What do you think of the house!?? She asked me. I just stood there and looked shocked at her.
- I-it's b-big and l-luxury, i said still standing shocked.
- Let me explain.., she said and grabbed my hand.
I followed her in the house. It was exactly what I expected. Big, marvel and really luxurious.
- So you might want to know how I can afford this and-, the didn't get to finish because a man and a older woman came into the kitchen.

Later that night~

After she explained everything I understood.

Let me tell you what happened.

So she told me that she got a job and that she was really famous. She didn't say that but I think she's famous after showing me her Instagram account. She was a model and had 28 million followers. So I think she's famous. The man and the woman who was in the kitchen was our maid Nicolett who's Latina and our privet chef Marcus who's Italian.

The day flew by fast and I was already fixing my room and backing up my bags. My room was big with a big window. My room was already designed for me and I only had to organize my clothes. The room was modern and was mostly white and marvel, like the hole house.


It started getting dark and I was watching a movie on Netflix. I had totally forgotten about the time and it was almost 11pm. School starts at 9am so I have to get to bed immediately.

I ran down stairs after I brushed my teeth.
- Good night, mom!! I screamed but with a low voice. She was asleep. I walked up to the sofa and closed the tv. She must have fallen asleep watching tv. I reached over and dragged a blanket over her, that way she wouldn't get cold. I ran up the stairs and in my room. The light immediately turned off and I let myself fall onto the bed. I was about to sleep when a strong light flashed into my room. I tried to see what it was but I had to sit up. Looking out of the window I saw a boy in the house next door sitting by his window with a light. He flashed it one more time until he saw me. He opened his window and waved. I opened mine to.

- Hello there!! He said with a quiet voice. I could still hear him even if it was far away.
- Heyyy!! I said while rubbing my eyes.
- Are you daughter of Miss. Mandorf?? He asked politely. I nodded and smiled. He was cute.
- Well I'm Louis, Louis Partridge... and your name?? He continued.
- I'm Layla, Layla Mandorf!!
- Nice to meet you but I gotta go! He said and was about to close the window before he said. " See you at school Layla."

He was cute but he's probably a snob like all the others in this neighborhood. He's also probably a player or someone who things he can get any girl he wants. I couldn't stop thinking about Louis, it was kinda annoying. I eventually fell asleep.

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