413 13 19

May 23, 20XX

Hey, whoever's reading this. It's been a while. Me and Fell became friends again and about a year later he said he liked me. I accepted because I didn't know. I didn't know what my feelings really were. I don't really have much else to say, I'm just sorry. Sorry for all the friendships that are going to be ruined, sorry for all my family. I'm just so, so sorry. I can't live like this anymore. I feel like I'm just some robot who can't do anything. He's taken my whole life away. I regret going to that damn park, I regret even getting out of bed. Every day I wake up next to him and I just want to cry. I wanted to be friends, but not like this! He acts like I'm fine and that nothing is wrong, and he makes me feel guilty when I am upset at him. His feelings don't fucking matter to me anymore. He lost that chance a long, long time ago. It's been a year since I started dating him. I've put up with this torture for a year. There isn't much to live for anymore. Heh, isn't that pathetic? Giving up just because I'm stuck. Not like I was ever going to get out anyways. The police wouldn't believe me, to them I'm just some mindless person who doesn't know their left from their right. If it's Blue who's reading this, I just want you to know that you were an amazing friend. Even if you didn't think so, you really helped me. I never wanted to truly end our friendship. Cya next time.






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