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Just to begin with, I am NOT that horrible Satanic divinity everyone's been labeling me as. I'm just a batshit-crazy immortal psycho chick hellbent on using an army of shadow demons to overthrow the government. So what?

My name is Echo, but you can call me Dodge if you really, really want to.

This is my diary... in all fairness, it's a diary, so you should probably be keeping your mortal hands off of it. After all, it is probably just filled with my undying eminence... stranger... after all, some people say I look like a silly female knockoff on Felix Mallard, which any sane person knows is NOT an insult. Better him than Jackson Robert Scott. A.K.A. Bode Locke.

Bode, Bode, Bode. The more I think about him, the more I want to leave him out of all this. The more I think about his adorable little cheeks and youthful innocence, the less I want to hurt him. But his six-year-old antics cannot be tolerated. I didn't ask his stupid mother to walk right into the Mirror Dimension like a pitiful fool. Which is sad because if Bode hadn't been so shallow, we could've been really good friends. Okay maybe I'm partially to blame, I never should've withheld my apology regardless of the bear trap he tried to cripple me with. But I also doubt he'd've listened either way. On a brighter note, after 25 years of wanting to end it all I have finally escaped from that nasty Wellhouse. Anyway, let's hope I can have some real fun going forward! The Crown of Shadows is about to be mine!

I'll tell you all about it. Well, I'll actually tell you tomorrow because it's time for bed. Actually I never stay in one place for very long, but you'd be surprised at how I can still find a bed or shower with relative ease.

Sweet dreams of bunnies and lobsters,


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