I, the Well Lady

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So, I promised you guys I was going to write about my day, yesterday, and I still plan on living up to my word. But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Actually, this list should suffice.

Reasons why my life sucks:

1. My name is literally Echo. Hey parent-os, I know you hate me, but WTF, Echo?!

2. That beautiful fearless angelic pure Kinsey Locke babe is neck-deep with a new crowd and I can't even shake her hand until I'm done with the stupid school registry thing-a-ma-bob. I look up to her but she doesn't know I exist. Literally.

3. Sam Bu--I mean Letser--DARN IT I MEAN LESSER is worthlessness personified. There's not a special bone in his entire body. And he sadistically murdered the patriarch of the Locke family when I actually trusted him. WORST. BUDDY. EVER.

4. Bode tried to cripple me for bringing forth a peace offering. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING, YOU MEAN THAT BEAUTIFUL CHUBBY-CHEEKED LITTLE BEAN?! I MEAN HOW COULD HE???

5. There are no lobsters in Matheson. Okay maybe there are, but I just don't know about them.

6. I have no clue where to find the Crown of Shadows. How can I take revenge on She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and proceed to do any overthrowing with a... okay, maybe I'll save that part for later.

7. I thought I could repress it. My hugest kink in the world. But I couldn't. When it was my turn to choke that gorgeous angel, I couldn't stop. I wanted to, but I hadn't done this in so long, you have no idea how many times I fell asleep on an empty stomach and dreamed about choking some of the prettiest girls in the world and flat-out throttling some beautiful boys in the mix. And the idea of falling asleep and getting raped... again... don't ask. (No one deserves to go through that... not even She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or Sam.) If you know what it's like to be horrified and aroused beyond endurance simultaneously, I'm so sorry you can relate to both of us. (Didn't think of that in the moment...) Don't worry, he's regained consciousness and he's fine. Not that I wasted my life checking on his beautiful arse or anything. He's a big boy. And his name's Gilles... I think.

8. With that being said, I'm still confused about my sexuality. I mean I like men but some women are just overwhelmingly alluring on so many levels. Which is okay because that's still something I can figure out about myself going forward.

9. Nobody even knows me. Like I said, pretty much everyone who knows about the keys thinks I am some rotten, no-good, horrible otherworldly Satanist responsible for all their suffering. If you were a queen who spent 25 years unjustly imprisoned in a disgusting hole, being isolated, starved, and horny to the last degree, you'd be given the "evil" label too.

10. I haven't had any cleaning supplies for my monthly pain fest in 25 years. I haven't even had anything to eat or drink besides murky salt water whenever I bleed out. If you're a girl then you know what horrific ordeal I'm enduring, and if you're a boy then you cannot begin to imagine it.

Reasons my life rocks:

1. I know where a few of the keys are, and

2. I'm a free bitch baby.

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