Dreaming of the day we met

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Ok so I stink at writing stories in my opinion soooo good luck me and hope you enjoy this fanfiction!!!

Dreaming of the day we met

Y/n was crying quietly underneath a tree and then a voice reached out to her

"....um..why are you crying? Are you...ok?" ??? asked.

Y/n looked up to see her neighbor Suna Rintarou. He was around her age at least that's what her parents say. They said Suna and Y/n have known each other since they were babies.

Though they don't talk much to each other because they just don't. And this is their actual first interaction without their parents.

Y/n stopped crying a bit and just smiled and said "Hehe..! Whatcha doin' here...Suna...?"

At that moment Suna knew that this girl's life was hurting her really bad and she was only 7 at the time. But what he did not know was yet to come.

"I...I was outside and then I heard someone ran outside, then soon after I heard running coming from the inside of your house to the front door." Suna said and then stopped for a moment and then continued.

"I went to go see and I saw your mother yelling after your name...so I assumed you ran off. Then your mother spotted me and asked if I could go and bring you back home. So I chased after you quietly because you seemed like you needed it."

Y/n looked at the ground and said "I...overheard mom and dad saying that they are going to get divorced...I didn't mean to overhear them but...it would've happened either way...I wouldnt have been able to stop it even if I wanted to...so I ran."

Suna was actually shocked at this news. Y/n's parents looked so happy being with Y/n! He couldn't think of a reason why her parents would want to be divorced.

So then Suna said
"Let's have fun then! Who cares about your parents right now! Let's enjoy the time while we can. You never know what's going to happen."

When Y/n heard him say that she knew he meant enjoy your time with your family while you can because it's still a whole.

Y/n looked up and wiped all her tears and stood up.

"Let's head back before our parents come looking for us...they..must be worried, ok?" She said as she turned to Suna and smiled as bright as she could.

Suna could see all the pain that she's hiding behind that smile of her's. But he just nodded and grabbed her hand and started walking.

"H-hey! Why are you holding my hand?!" Y/n said.

He stopped and looked at her straight in the eyes and said
"I wouldnt want you to get lost now would I?"

"Hmph!!" As Y/n said that she looked away and continued to walk behind Suna as he held her hand while they were in their way home.


"L/n....L/n...L/n Y/n wake up right now!"

Y/n's eyes stirred open and then she stared to rub her eyes due the the brightness from the classroom.

'Oh...I was dreaming and in class...' she thought.

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