Chapter 15

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Flash back
"Evading blasts in a high gravity field for even thirty seconds would not be an easy feat." 

Aleene looked like she was having a hard time keeping her insides together and inside her.

"But here you are making the best flyers in the Galaxy look bad. They're not giving up though." She looks at the rear monitor that was displaying relentless battle drones hot on our tail.

*BOOM*-- "Shit they hit the thrusters and our fuel is leaking." A bead of sweat forms on my forehead right above the wrinkle that had been born out of the frustration of fighting for I and Aleene's lives.

Aleene looked a little scared and nervous too. Knowing what I had to do, I sighed heavily. " Aleene!! Brace yourself!! We're crash landing!!". My voice is drowned by beeps of the controls in front of me that I press ferociously and the minor explosions on the shell of the ship.

We're going down...


Galia raised a tiny box and threw it at me. I caught it before realizing what she threw. Sleep gas box. Predictable yet classic for a group of white clad villains. Not really sure if they are though. My vision blurred with the face of a sinister looking child as my last memory.

I wake up in a room on a chair bolted to the ground. The room was almost completely empty. There was only another chair a few feet away from the one was on. I wasn't tied down to the chair so I got up and went to the only door in the room. One entrance, one exit the same door, windows.

The door swung open when I turned the knob. I was suspicious underneath the relief that slowly washed over me. I step out into a dim lit corridor that linked the room I was in to two other doors. the corridor had cameras at both ends.

"Enter through the door on the left. Your left." The small speakers built into the walls of the corridor loudly reproduced the words from a mysterious person.

My brows furrowed in suspicion and alertness.  "Your friends are waiting." The mysterious voice sounded feminine. I walk slowly towards the left door carefully, expecting anything. The bright light from the room temporarily blurred my vision, made me cover my face with my hands.

When my vision adjusted, everyone was there. Even Galia and another very beautiful woman, dressed in golden garments with a gold coloured veil that covered only her eyes, holding a glass cup in her left hand and a mic in her other hand. She must be Lady Mystery from the speakers and probably Galia's mother. The resemblance was quite.... visible. The room was a large one with expensive furniture and a lot of gold plated stuff and everyone else other than me and my group was in white.

"Have a seat." Mystery lady points at a single seat couch beside my team and hands the mic over to one of the attendants. They were all surprisingly quiet even Elina, who just smiled brightly at me.

"What's going?? Why did you abduct us??" I ask the woman without sitting. She opens up a fan and starts fanning herself, " Have a seat.....please??" I glare at her and slowly lower myself into the couch.

"My name is Filiz. I welcome you with all due respect to my humble home and my sincerest apologies for bringing you here in such a manner. Very unprofessional of me. Please forgive me." Her glossy lips oscillated gently as she softly uttered those words. The light reflected off the golden surfaces in the room made her look like a goddess. Her unnatural beauty was more unsettling than the fact that she had kidnapped us.

"Why did you kidnap us then??" I asked her as she took a sip from the glass cup in her hands. She placed the cup down on a tray, also golden. She lifted the golden veil slowly to reveal a golden black iris on pure white. It was hypnotizing.

"I brought you here for one reason. I know who you are and what your purpose is and I need your help and in exchange I will support your cause with all I can possibly provide." Her eyes glinted as she smiled. A smile just like the one you'd find on a creepy doll only this doll was a golden goddess.

She lifted her hand and her daughter appeared beside her with another tray that had a file in it. The file slowly rose off the tray and hovered to me. "This is the file that contains all the information you need to be of service to me. I am giving this to you since your partners here claim you're their leader, Maru Eater."

"What if I don't agree to take your request??" I stared coldly at her as I plucked the file from it's hovering location.

"I could have had my daughter bring me your hearts." The creepy smile rested on her face once more as she uttered those words.

The meaning of those words permeated the minds of all of us. We let our guard down and now we have to work for a crazy looking beauty.
We only have two sunlays to spare which were meant to be the amount of time we got to rest during our journey to our final destination, The Pandorium City, Rimura.

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