Chapter 7

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He led me out of the room and towards a part of the facility that I had never been before. It looked like some kind of super advanced tech laboratory. Some of the tech I recognized as alien technology from about three different galaxies.

I followed him into a dimly lit hallway which had one door at the end of it.

We walked towards it quietly without a single word. The General passed his identification tag on it. My mouth fell open as I saw what was behind the door. It was..........unbelievable. All the members of the Maru Eaters were present.

They were all in some kind of maintenance pods of some kind. There was an empty pod at the end of the room. I guess that's mine.

"What is this for anyway??" I ask as the medical attendant there ushers me towards the pod, leaving the General and Selein behind me.

"Basically to improve your chances of survival and also to give you certain helpful 'abilities'. It will not take much time. Maybe three eons. But know that no damage will be caused to you or the others so rest assured." The medical attendant, whose name tag portrays her name as Malek Siona, says whilst smiling widely at me.

She helps me enter into the pod with ease and proceeds to strap me in. The glass slides over leaving me inside the pod. From the inside of the pod I could literally see everything and hear nothing. I saw the attendant typing something into her wrist tab. I blacked out after she sedated me.


We had been inside this confinement room for three reons. The guards came for us and put us in chains. I knew we would be in serious trouble now. Since the High Ollana was known to be ruthless, I expected the worst from him.

We were made to kneel before him with our hands bound behind us. The walls of his quarters were made completely out of marble, a substance greatly treasured by the Kirgoyan race. There were portraits of ancestral strings of high Ollana. He was seated on a large decorated marble throne across the room.

"So you are they who have dared to defile the Great Kirgoyan Competition of Warriors by killing our esteemed guest......" His heavy scratchy voice echoes out of his old frail body and off the walls of the room. ".......and I am obliged to punish anyone who offends the great Hidana, god of Kirgoya. I hereby sentence you to be added to the GKCW , to compete to the death or for your freedom.......that is if you live long enough to be among the Chosen five........" He pauses and smiles showing his crooked dirty black teeth. " you have anything to say??" He sneers at us almost as though daring us to make a move.

Our silence gives him the go ahead to signal the guards to take us away.

We weren't taken back to our old confinement room. New ones were allotted to us. We were separated from each other in put in different confinement rooms.

I was put in with another inmate. He was a Halo. I recognized his almost black wings. He must have been a high class member. Now we sat silently on the opposite sides of the room...staring at each other. He gave up and looked up.

"Why are you here, Fjan?? What did you do to get you a ticket this wretched pit??" He looks directly at me with eyes that looked exhausted. My silence doesn't prevent him from continuing the conversation.
"Not quite the talker, huh?? You should know where you go next if you're thrown in here." He gets up and sits on the worn out mat meant to serve as a bed. "Name's Hanael, by the way." He said as he lied on his back.

"I'm Muad." I replied hesitantly. It was not right to know his name without him knowing mine.

"Ohhhh!! It speaks. The creature speaks." He let out a laugh but it was short. "You do realize that you will be made to battle in their combat hall, don't you??"

"I am well aware of the consequences of being here. But I will find a way to escape with my companion." I replied as I leaned on the wall with my arm at rest on my knee. 

"Well, don't dream too big. Get some rest while you can. Tomorrow might be your last." He covered his face with right hand and slowly fell asleep.

I looked at him for a while, knowing quite well what he meant by that. But sleep wouldn't come.

The next reon, I woke up to a loud noise being made by a speaker on the wall. Apparently, I had drifted off. I sat up and looked at the Halo covering his head with his wings. The guards came to our confinement room and put me in bonds. I was already being taken to my death.

They pushed me through a few doors and finally as we stood behind the last huge mecha-door, the guard to my right whispered, "Say your last prayers, Fjan.". I was released and led through the doors as it automatically opened slowly. The noise and cheers on the other side indicated the presence of a lot of people.

And I was their show.

Author's note

Thank you all for reading this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed it😋 .

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