Chapter 8

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I go towards the Slytherin table and sit down in front of Draco.

«So how was it? With Potter?

-Great, I say with a big smile.

-Saw him kiss you on the cheek. So, are you going out now?

-Yeah, but it's a secret, don't tell anyone, I say giggling.

-I won't...

He looks quite sad. Maybe he had a bad day?

-How was your day?

-Oh me? I just did my homework, hung around the common room. 

-That's good, but next time you should come to Hogsmeade too!

-Nah, wouldn't want to spoil your fun.


I was interrupted by Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle who had just scooted over next to me.

«We saw Potter kiss you on the cheek. Are you his girlfriend now?

-None of your business. And why were you watching me? Do you fancy me? Am I attractive? I say with a sly smile.

-Um, no, they all say at the same time becoming red in the face.

-Well then leave me alone.

-You know, Potter's just gonna dump you. He won't really care about a Slytherin for long. Gryffindors hate all of us, says Zabini.

-That's not true!

-Yeah it is, honey.

-Don't call her honey! says Draco, getting up.

I realize he looks quite angry.

-Or else what?

-You'll see.

-Fine then. Hey honey, why don't you go out with me instead of with Potter?

-Caus, you're ugly, mean, stupid and I'm sure you're a bad kisser.

-You want to test that?


He grabs my neck and kisses me by force. I try to stop him but he's too strong. I try to get out of his grip, but I can't. He's choking me! I can't breathe!

 Thankfully, he's pulled off of me by two people. It's Draco and Snape. I pant heavily. I start crying.

«Three months of detention, Zabini. And thirty points off Slytherin. Maybe then, you will learn to respect young girls when they tell you no. However, not wishing to penalize Slytherin too much, I give fifteen points to Draco Malfoy. Now, Miss Ivanova, come with me to my office.

-Yes sir.»

I get up and follow him with a side-way glance at Draco who is fuming. I also glance at Harry, who had gotten up to see what was going on at my table. He looks at me with a mix of anger and pity. When I enter Snape's office, he closes the door and looks at my neck, where I have Zabini's thumbs printed on it.

«Are you alright?

-Not really, no.

-Here drink this.

He hands me a potion.

-What is it?

-It heals bruises and helps with shock.

I drink it quickly.

-I don't understand why he would do that to me....

-I believe you do not realize the effect you have on young boys, Eira. I believe many of them are very fond of you. Even if it does not excuse this type of attitude, of course.... Well, off you go now.

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