Chapter 19

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O.W.L.s are sooo fun. Ha! The sarcasm. Long hours of writing, hurting your wrist for life in the process. Long hours of studying for the next day's test. Long hours of stressing, worrying, not sleeping. So much joy and fun. 

It's the middle of the exam week and I'm crying while Draco strokes my hair.

«I'm sure I did horribly on my Potions exam! I won't get and O and I won't do the N.E.W.T class with you!

-I'm not sure I'm getting an O either.

-Of course you are! You probably got all the answers right. I'm sure I got like at least three wrong!

-It's ok, Eira, it's going to be alright.

-No it's not! I'm going to fail everything!

-Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?

He smiles at me.


I sniffle and wipe my tears with my sleeve.

-Ok. Now we need to study History of Magic. It's tomorrow afternoon and it's already 2:00.

-Yeah, ok.»

We study.


The next day, I wake up with my head on Draco's chest and his arm around me. I've been sleeping in his bed for two weeks. Every time we tried to sleep apart either he wouldn't be able to sleep or I would see green flashes. It just works better like this.

Funny story. One morning, one of Draco's roommates, saw us together. He kind of freaked out. Oops. (At least it wasn't Zabini, Draco's other roommate.)

So today is the History of Magic exam. Yay! More like ugh!

«In which century were the Witch Hunts?»

My answer: 14th century. Hope I'm right :)

It was soooo boring, I think I saw Harry sleeping. Ha. Wait. Now he's awake, he looks worried and he's leaving the room. Huh?

I continue my exam. I honestly don't care if I fail this one because I don't want to do a N.E.W.T. in History of Magic. I mean, who does? Wait. Hermoine. Oh. Yeah.

I finish it and go wait outside the classroom for Draco. He finishes a couple minutes later.

«Hi. How was yours?

-Meh. You?


We burst out laughing.

-I bet you did better than me. You got more time to study while I slept.

We burst out laughing. Again.

-Maybe. Can we escape? I can't be inside any longer!

-Yeah, I'm starting to feel claustrophobic! Haha. Let's go!»

Hand in hand, we almost run outside. It's a beautiful spring day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. We walk towards the lake. 

Funny observation. When the sun hits Draco's platinum blond hair, it shines really bright. Like the sun itself.

We walk by Freya who is on a blanket with some friends. I'm about to say hi but I realize something. She's looking oddly at Draco. Wait. Is she batting her lashes at him? Is she trying to flirt with him? Doesn't she know he's my boyfriend? I turn to her in anger.

«Stop checking out Draco or else I'll gouge your eyeballs out. K?

-I-I wasn't-

-You know what you were doing and you're going to stop.»

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