3- First Day

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After dinner last night, Cedric had to show the first years how to get to the common room. He wasn't new to being a prefect, so it was a pretty routine procedure.

Juno had tagged along, and kept close to her best friends side as he showed her where she'd be staying and introduced her to her roommates.

Nova Jackson and Dhalia Williams were very welcoming to her and allowed her to set up her plants and pictures around the room. They promised to show her around and get her to their classes quickly with the many shortcuts they knew.

The next morning, Juno was the first one to wake up in her dormitory. The sun created a natural alarm clock for her, and instead o burying herself in her blankets to block it out, she decided she needed as much time as possible to make a good first impression.

She was usually a morning person, so it wasn't hard for her get out of bed. She had gotten to sleep fairly early last night, and she was happy she wasn't incredibly tired.

She hopped out of her bed and went into the bathroom with her uniform. She liked their bathroom, because just like the common room, it was always bright with color.

She showered, eager for her first day, and happily put on her uniform. She dried her hair with her wand, and she put half of it up, keeping it out of her face. She looked at her yellow tie in the mirror, and her yellow and black skirt, and pulled the skirt down a bit more.

The uniforms were cute and simple, and that's what she liked about them. But she wasn't a fan of skirts and dresses, so as she continued to get ready, she was constantly pulling it down.

A knocking on the door startled her after an hour. "Are you almost done, Juno?"

"Yeah!" She quickly took her pajamas and placed them into the basket with her name on it, and went to the door.

"If you're gonna take this long every morning, I'm kicking you out," Nova said, frustrated.

Juno frowned at Dahlia who was sitting at a table with a mirror and was adjusting her short red hair. "She's not a morning person," Dahlia reassured. "Trust me, she'll be happier once she gets some breakfast."

"Oh, okay," Juno shook off her frown. She grabbed her bag off her bed, "I'm gonna try to find Cedric."

"Do you want to wait? We can go with you in a few minutes," Dahlia suggested, applying eyeliner to her waterline.

"No no," Juno opened the door, standing in it for a moment. "I'm sure I'll find Cedric easily, and I don't want to rush you. See you in Potions."

Juno waved at Dahlia as she closed the door and went into the common room. Cedric was sitting on the couch with his friends, clearly waiting for someone as he tapped his feet on the ground.

"Hey Ced," Juno beamed as she walked in front of the couch. "Waiting for me?"

Once he saw her his foot tapping stopped, "Ari! Good morning!" He stood up abruptly taking his bag in his hand, "you ready to go?"

"Yeah of course—"

"Bye," Cedric quickly waved at his friends and pulled Juno out the common room.

"What was that about?" Juno asked once the common room door closed. "I thought we would walk with them..."

Cedrics cheeks turned pink, "they were just bombarding me with questions I didn't want to answer."

Juno nodded in understanding before changing the subject, "when do we get our schedules?"

"At breakfast," he answered simply as they approached the great hall. "Hopefully we have all our classes together, unless you didn't get in some advanced classes, smarty."

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