14- Questions

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Juno was walking down the corridors, on her way to the Hufflepuff common room when someone stopped her.

"Ari!" She didn't stop walking, but she turned her head and went slower.

"Hey Cedric," she spoke once he caught up with her.

He began to fall in step with her, "I um—" he began rubbing the back of his neck, "I have a small question."

"Oh... ask away," she smiled, stopping and turning to give him her full attention.

"If I were to ask a girl to the ball, how would I do that?" he seemed confident, yet secretly nervous about the topic. "Since you're a girl and all, I thought you could tell me how you would want to be asked, that way I could use that in my own way..."

She raised her eyebrow, "Is this about that girl you fancy?"

His cheeks lighten, "Yes. I know she has the next hour free of classes, so I want to ask her then."

"Wont you tell me who it is?"

"Not yet, I will if she says yes."

"I'm sure she will."

"Hopefully... now, how should I ask her?"

Juno thought for a moment, thinking of how she would want to be asked. "I don't know, maybe something private and quiet. Like with flowers and candles, or on a note or something. Thats just me personally, I would want it to be private and away from people."

He nodded, taking in the details. "Okay... so should I get her her favorite flowers, and ask her to the ball with those? And like take her on a walk along the Black Lake?"

"Uh, yeah, why not? I think that sounds lovely," Juno shrugged, "nice and quiet. Away from people... yeah it's great. Good luck."

"Thanks!" He hugged her quickly and pressed a kiss to her forehead before jogging away.


Later that night, at the Gryffindor side of the castle, George Weasley sat in his bed, staring at the Mauraders Map. He'd been borrowing it a lot more from Harry recently, he said it was just to pass the time, but he really had been spying on a certain someone.

He suddenly sat up, causing Fred and Lee to look his way, "What? Who are you looking at?" They noticed his smiling at the map, which only intrigued them more.

George quickly stood up in his red plaid pajamas, "No time to talk!" He waved at them with his wand, dashing out of the dorm, his slippers on his feet.

George had avoided Filch and Peeves, making sure to stay quiet as he ventured through the halls. He eventually made his way to a secret passageway, and he stared at the map as he waited for the footprints he wanted to pass by.

When they did, he reached through the tapestry that blocked the entrance way and grabbed the persons shirt.

"Oh shit," they screeched. George quickly covered their mouth with his hand, but they licked his palm making him recoil.

"What the hell, Juno?" He gasped, chuckling.

"Lumos," the person muttered, turning to quickly face him. "George!" Juno yelled once his face came into view, making him quickly placed a hand back over her mouth.

"Shh," he hissed. "What are you doing out here?" George smirked as he took his hand away and crossed it over his chest.

She glared up at him, "why are you doing out here?"

"I asked first," George's smirk widened.

Juno huffed, "I was just walking." She then took a moment to take in her surroundings, "where are we?"

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