7- Birthday Surprises

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Juno had planned her day out perfectly, to the minute. The day was Cedrics birthday. And every year, they would spend the day together, or the following weekend, considering they had school.

She now sat at breakfast, with it being a Saturday it helped her plan immensely. They had no classes, so she would be able to bring him anywhere.

She hadn't said anything about his birthday to him yet, and he kept bombarding her with questions.

"Cedric!" She turned angrily, a playful smile on her lips. "That's enough questions."

"Sorry," he muttered, grinning, "can't you just tell me?"

"No! It's a surprise! Now stop asking or I'll hurt you," she sighed, eating her syrup covered bacon.

Cedric giggled before trying to finish up his food as well. Juno decided to give in, so she reached into her bag, and pulled out a small box.

"Happy birthday," she smiled at him as he took the box into his hands. "This isn't the only thing, but it's just to get you to shut up."

He smiled widely as he opened the top, ignoring her comment, and she watched his eyes sparkle as he admired the charm bracelet that sat inside. He took it into his hands, and held it close to his face, trying to read the writing on the single circle.

"Meilleurs amis," she whispered to him, "best friends." She then reached into her shirt, and pulled out a necklace chain that held the same charm.

He smiled lovingly at her, squeezing it in his palm. "I love it," he breathed, making Junos cheeks turn pink.

"I didn't know if you'd want to wear a bracelet," she began, "but I put the charm on it anyways. You can always take it off and just—"

She stopped talking once Cedric pulled her into a hug, crushing her ribs as he did. He kissed her cheek as he pulled apart, still holding her arms.

"I'm going to wear it," he smiled at her, his brown eyes bright. "I'm going to wear it until I take my last breath. Can you put it on me?"

She nodded, taking the bracelet and clasping it around his wrist. He shook it, getting used to the feeling of something on his wrist, smiling as he did it.

"Thank you," he stated, turning back to his breakfast.

"Don't think the day is over, Ceddy," she smirked, "we are just getting started."


After breakfast, Juno and Cedric had gone to Hogsmeade, it only being their second trip there. She'd bought him all his favorite candies from Honeydukes, and even a new book from Tomes and Scrolls.

Currently they sat at The Three Broomsticks, sipping on butter beer. Cedric chewed on some of his candy, feeling the sugar fill his stomach quickly.

"I can pay y'know," Cedric mocked as Juno began taking galleons from her pocket.

"It's your birthday," she replied simply, "you aren't paying for anything."

Cedric smiled, adoring his best friend that sat in front of him. "I think I'm going to enter," he suddenly said as he took a sip of his butter beer.

"Enter what?" Juno asked, not even realizing the main topic of every conversation in Hogwarts had been the same for two weeks.

"The Triwizard Tournament, obviously," he rolled his eyes. "I mean, imagine: A humble Hufflepuff, fights his way to victory!"

She laughed as he raised his hands in a dramatic way, but her smile faded, "It could be dangerous Ced." She twirled her finger around the rim of her glass, "I mean you heard Dumbledore, there is a death toll on this Tournament."

"That was years ago, Ari," he sighed. "I'll be fine, I'm Cedric Diggory, I may be nice but I can put up a fight."

"I know you can," she sat up straight and looked him in the eye. "But that doesn't always mean you'll be one hundred percent safe. People have died Ced, you could be next. I'm just worried, you know me."

He was silent for a moment as he looked her face over, "I promise I won't die." He chuckled a bit before he took her hand in his, "I'll be safe."

She felt warmth spread throughout her body as he held her hand. It was a reassuring feeling, and Juno squeezed it lightly. "You promise?"

"Yes I do," he smiled back. "Pinky promise."

"Alright," Juno sighed, curling her finger around his. "But I still have a bad feeling."

"You have a bad feeling about everything," Cedric laughed as he took a sip of his drink and sat back in his chair.

"Because everything can be dangerous," Juno stated.

"Not everything," he began to think, "remember that time we went to that muggle park, and you told me we shouldn't go? We were fine."

"You fell off the monkey bars, and you broke your arm," she stated with an annoyed look. "I wouldn't count that as fine."

"Well," his face looked defeated, "I didn't die."

"I never said you'd die," she rolled her eyes, "I said it wasn't safe. And I clearly was right."

"Whatever," he looked her in the eye again, "I'm still entering."

"Fine but if you die," she pointed at him, "I'll bring you back just to kill you again."

He laughed, "I'll be counting on it."


They walked back to the castle, still reminiscing in their old childhood memories.

"Oh! Do you remember that time," Juno expressed, "when our dads drove us halfway across the country? We just wanted to get ice cream, and they kept making wrong turns!"

Cedric laughed loudly, "we didn't even realize what was happening! We were just singing about ice cream in the back seat, wondering why it was taking so long!"

They both shared a laugh, "I miss days like that." Juno smiled, "days when we just sing about ice cream, not a care in the world."

Cedric nodded in agreement, "yes those were the good ole days."

They made their way to the commons, so Cedric could drop his new stuff off in his room. Then they went down to the Great Hall for dinner.

"I almost forgot," Juno exclaimed at dinner, gaining her friend groups attention.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"I just remembered this since I was thinking about the conversation we had earlier," she reached into her bag, pulling out another wrapped gift.

She handed the gift to a wide eyed Cedric, and he unwrapped it with a soft smile.

He quirked an eyebrow at the picture that sat in his hands. "How do you have this?"

In his hand was a picture of Cedric, laying on the ground, crying his eyes out over his broken arm. Juno is sitting beside him, her fingers on the bridge of her nose in a disappointed way. As the picture moves, Cedric rolls around on the ground with his eyes shut tight, and Juno continues to shake her head.

"Our mums were just laughing at you necker they realized you were seriously hurt," Juno laughed. "Remember? So they snapped a picture, and I found it this summer when we moved."

"Awe look at baby Diggory," Justin smiled, pointing at the picture.

"Thanks, Ari," he smiled at her, giving her a quick side hug. "As traumatizing as that day was..."

Juno rolled her eyes, "You were fine! Even you said you were."

Cedric only laughed in response, looking down at his new picture and admiring it. He seriously loved Juno, she was the best friend he could ask for.

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