36 - Hogs Head

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Juno rubbed her arms aggressively as she stepped into Zonkos Joke shop in Hogsmeade. The twins had already ran off into the shop, leaving Juno to stand by the door with Lee.

"George told you to wear a coat," Lee smirked as they began walking through the aisles.

"Yeah, well, I'm kinda hoping he gives me his," Juno mumbled, still rubbing her arms.

It was a Hogsmeade weekend, and Juno wasn't the most excited to go out. The only thing that had convinced her was Hermione's plan to meet at the Hogs Head—for a meeting about DADA.

She strolled through the aisles in Zonkos, not having the intention of buying anything, until 20 minutes later George came up beside her.

"Hey darling," he whispered kissing her cheek quickly, "I've got my things... have you gotten anything?"

Juno shook her head, "No, nothing of interest has caught my eye." She looked up at him, "oh, would you look at that?" George's hands held two full bags by his sides and he smiled down at her. "This looks like something of interest," she placed her hand seductively on his chest.

"Hey! Lovebirds!" George kept his eyes on Juno in a drunken gaze as she turned her head to Fred. "Let's go..." Fred said, holding up his watch and tapping it.

Juno turned back to George, "We can finish this later, love." With that she took one of his bags from him and walked to the door, George quickly following behind.

They walked through the crowded streets of Hogsmeade until they found a secluded pub. A sign sat above the door labeled Hogs Head, and a group of students seemed to be walking in.

Following the group, the twins, Lee, and Juno walked in. Juno immediately spotted Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting near the front.

Fred walked over to the man at the counter, "Hi, could we have..." he counted the tops of everyone's heads, "twenty-five butter beers, please?"

The man glared at Fred, and grumpily handed out what had been asked for.

"Cheers," Fred said handing them out, "Cough up, everyone, I haven't got enough gold for all of these."

"Oh, let me," Juno said going into her jeans' pockets.

"No," George said immediately, "everyone can pay for their own."

Juno rolled her eyes and pulled a small red sack from her pocket "It's fine," she stated with a shrug. She rummaged through the sack and dug out three galleons. She payed for the drinks, telling the man to keep any change.

The man did as she told and put the money away. She placed her own sack back into her pocket, taking George's arm again.

"You didn't have to do that," Cho Chang said with a grateful smile, Cedric stood beside her.

Everyone was looking at her with a smile, in fact. "It was nothing," Juno shrugged, taking a sip of her own butter beer. A chorus of 'thank you's' came from the room and Juno smiled warmly back.

George frowned. He felt a bit ashamed, having her buy his drink for him. Juno noticed his frown as he watched her, and she frowned up at him.

"What's wrong?" She asked gently as most students went to find a seat.

"I could've paid for yours, y'know," he informed quietly.

Juno furrowed her eyebrows, "I know... I just had the money on hand, and I thought—"

"I have my money on hand, too," George cut her off. "I can afford a simple butter beer."

"I know you can," she replied instantly. "I just had the money in easy access and it would've been easier then everyone digging in their pockets." She tilted her head at him, "Why do you look so upset over it?"

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