Chapter 2: Food is The Best Apology

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f/b/f - favorite breakfast food


the sun shining through the window woke you up softly, which was contrasting with the rock hard mattress you slept on.

you opened your eyes and looked around at the run down abandoned house your gang called home. although it was shabby and run down, you all had done enough work on it over the years to make it feel like an actual home. granted, there was still no power, running water, or heat going through the house, but it still had a nice cozy feeling that you had grown so familiar to.

you sat up and had a few stretches, your joints popping as you did. you figured you'd walk down stairs and see who else was here and maybe if you were lucky someone would have something to eat for breakfast.

you walked down the creaky stairs and looked to your left to see a passed out abby on the couch, her signature golf club beside her. no one knew why she decided to use a golf club as her preferred way to fight, but either way, she was wacking dudes left and right with it.

unfortunately, it looked like she was the only one here at the moment, so you decided to look in the cabinets and hopefully find a can of something good you could pass as a breakfast.


well shit.

you didn't really wanna spend any money on a breakfast this morning, but it seems like that's the only option left.

you grabbed your shoes and your wallet and walked out the door, making an awful screech as the door pushed open.


you made your way into town and started looking for a cheap place to get something to eat.

you turned a corner and there he was. the guy from last night. oh no.

unfortunately, he saw you before you could turn back and take another route, so you were stuck.

"hey! come here real quick!"

ugh. great.

"what do you want?" you asked, clearly annoyed.

"i just want to apologize about last night. i shouldn't have let my curiosity get the best of me."

that gave you an idea.

"ya know,,, if you really wanna show me you're sorry, you should buy me breakfast." you said with a smirk, confident you'd get a free meal out of him.

"ugh, fine." he slightly rolled his eyes and began to list off places you could choose to eat.

maybe he isn't so bad after all.


you decided on a location and waltzed into the building.

it was a nice little diner, and it wasn't that pricey, so you figured it'd be a good place. well, the main reason you picked the diner is because they have the best breakfast ever. like, you would kill for their breakfast it was so damn good.

you told the boy your order and he ordered what you wanted, along with a plate of waffles for him.

"so i never caught your name?" he said, trying to strike up a conversation.

you really didn't wanna tell him your name, you really didn't like him, but he WAS paying for your meal, so you decided to play nice.


"i'm kurapika. it's nice to meet you."


there was silence for a while, and then your food came.

the waitress sat down both yours and kurapikas plates and went onto the next table.

you got a plate/bowl of f/b/f, which smelled heavenly, and kurapika got his plate of waffles with powdered sugar, cut strawberries, and a neat drizzle of maple syrup to top it all off.

you immediately started to dig in, stuffing your face full of food. you had a bad habit of that. because you never know when the next time you'll get food is, you tend to try to eat it as fast as possible, so no one would be able to steal it from you.

apparently kurapika noticed this. he has a surprised look on his face, and it looked like he was impressed almost at how fast you were eating it.

you looked up and saw him staring at you.


"it's alright. you don't have to eat it so fast though, and you can eat as much as you want." he said with a small laugh.

"wait,,, i can?" you looked up at him with excited eyes.

"haha yes. i don't want anyone going hungry."


"wow. you sure do have an appetite." kurapika said playfully, giving you a small smile.

"hehe yeah. you learn to eat what you can and take advantage of what you have when you're living on the streets."

he looked sad almost. like he pitied you.

"if you dont mind me asking, why are you living like this?"

you told him vague details about your parents and the gang. just enough to satisfy his curiosity. although you were grateful for him buying you food, you still didn't know him well, and you weren't about to try. he seemed to notice you left out some pretty big details, but he didn't mind, and wasn't about to pry.

"i have to get to work now. i hope you have a good rest of your day."

you waved goodbye to him and turned in the other direction.

you had a feeling that you definitely weren't getting rid of him anytime soon.


hey!! i just wanna point out a lil reference i put in here! in case you haven't noticed, abbys golf club is actually a reference to the last of us part 2 that i thought would be kinda funny hehe. my friend pointed that out, so i decided to have a lil fun with it 😼😼😼

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