Chapter 9

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Episode 93/Chapter 96
Episode 94/Chapter 97
Episode 95/Chapter 98


Mia was in her bed, not doing much. She studied during lunch so now she didn't have anything else to review for the day. Blyke and Isen were coming over to see if she and Remi was okay.



Mia looked up from her bed and waited for a moment to hear if Remi was going to get it. She heard Remi open her own door and went back under her blanket. At some point, she heard someone stomping in the dorm so Mia got up and opened the door to hear the now unmuffled conversation.

"What are you hiding?!" Blyke yelled.

"It's just a window!" Remi said.

"WTF, windows don't just appear out of thin air!"

Mia looked at Isen who was standing outside Remi's room. Isen looked back and was half hoping that Blyke wouldn't find something and half hoping that he should or else he'll look like an idiot. Mia walked over and Blyke pulled down the sheet that was covering a map with a lot of notes. Mia's, Blyke's, and Isen's eyes widened.

"Shiiiiiii-t," Isen said.

"What the hell?" Mia said.

"..." Blyke turned to face Remi, the latter avoiding eye contact, "You did all this without us?!" Blyke smacked his hand on the map, "This was supposed to be our thing!"

"Yeah, why leave us out of the loop like this?" Isen asked.

"...You guys didn't want to do it anyway..." Remi replied.

"What do you mean?" Isen asked, "Then we wouldn't have helped you to begin with."

"Look, I know you think this whole thing is stupid. A couple of teens trying to find some powerful shadow organization? You've been trying to get me to stop for a month now. You even got Arlo to lecture come me. I get it. I'm delusional. And you're sick of it. So I don't want to bother you guys anymore. I'll do it on my own!"

"..." They both don't respond for a moment.

"Don't be dumb," Blyke said.

"...?" Remi looked at him, confused.

"It's dangerous, you idiot," Mia said, "That's why we got Arlo to lecture you."

"But if you're going to keep going, we're still here to help! We just want you to tell us what's going on," Blyke said, "Otherwise we don't know what to think! We're worried for you. You came back from your brother's funeral and then all of a sudden you want to go after EMBER without any sort of explanation-"

"...! Wait, say that again?" Isen said, realizing a connection.

"Huh? What? She came back from brother's funeral and now she wants to go after EMB-" Blyke stopped as he also realized, "Hooly sh-"

"..." Remi stayed silent as her eyes pooled with tears.

So this is her real intention...? Revenge...?! Isen thought.

Mia rubbed Remi's back, comforting her.

"So what's on the map?" Mia asked to change the topic.

The other two took a closer look at Remi's wall.

"This is just a compilation of all of Isen's research. The locations where all victims were attacked, dates of their deaths and photos," Remi said.

"Hm. Nice," Isen said as he examined some familiar people.

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