Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

First Date

The next morning I got up and dressed in a daze, I kept checking behind me, I felt watched and violated. Anonymous had been in my apartment, in my room. How long was he here for? What did he do while he was here?

All I kept thinking was where was the next note going to turn up, because now I was certain there was going to be another one.

I drove to school with the music blaring drowning out the unsettling thoughts that were flying through my head. As I pulled into the car lot I saw him, talking to a couple of students, smiling and laughing, his blue eyes sparkling. Not a care in the world. I wanted to run into his arms and feel safe, I needed him to protect me and tell me everything was going to be OK.

“Emily?” I heard someone call me, “Emily wait up!” I turned around and instantly wanted to scream; already the day was off to a bad start.

“What are you doing here, Dan?” I asked taking a step back.

“I go to school here remember?” He growled closing the distance between us, he was tall and overpowering.

“How could I forget?”

“Tell your little friend to stop lying and drop this ridiculous case against my dad!” Dan growled.

“No! Your dad is a dirty rapist and he deserves everything he gets,” I spat pushing him away, “Now get lost.”

“No….” Dan yelled grabbing my arm and spinning me to look at him, “She wanted it… I heard her beg for more.”

“What?!?” I screamed trying to free my arm but his grip was too strong, “You knew…. Oh my God you’re as sick as he is, must run in the family.”

“Not my fault your bestos a whore,” he pulled on my arm dragging me closer to him, “Maybe you’d like it too.”

“Get off of me!” I screamed, Dan leaned in closer so that his face was inches from mine.

“Yes I think you like it rough,” he hissed kissing me, I pulled my head back and tried to break free but his hand was like a vice on my arm.

“Please get off me,” I cried fear gripping at me.

Caleb came running up behind Dan and pulled him off me with such force that it knocked me to the ground.

“She said get off,” He yelled throwing him to the ground, “We don’t allow assault on school grounds Mr. Douglas.”

“It’s not assault if she wants it,” Dan growled getting to his feet and swinging for Caleb’s face, but he was too slow and Caleb deflected the blow easily sending Dan slamming back down to the concrete.

I looked up to see nearly the whole student body watching the fight; Caleb was going to get into trouble if he didn’t stop this.

“Sir stop its fine,” I yelled jumping up and planting myself in between them, I didn’t even see Dan raise his hand until it collided with the side of my face. Everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I was laying on the cold ground with Caleb bent over me his face full of concern.

“Don’t move we’re waiting on the nurse,” He said his eyes scanning the full length of my body, the side of my head felt like it was going to explode with the pain.

“Where’s Dan?” I asked trying to look around but when I moved my head I felt bile rise up to my throat.

“Gone, Mr. Daniels took him to the office to wait for the police,” he explained. “There’s the nurse now.” Caleb gestured towards the main entrance.

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