Coming Soon

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Hello everyone,
First things first thank you all for choosing to read my first attempt at an ABO story. I've always wanted to write one, after reading an amazing one on FanFiction. So today I'm plucking up the courage to try. Hopefully the way I have this planed this won't fail spectacularly, it will have grecian elements and be set in that time frame, it matches with the plot I have outlined.

I know there are a lot of ABO out there, I have tried to be as original as I can and not steal anyone's ideas in anyway. Please if anyone spots similarities with any one please let me know so I can change elements if I need to! There are age gaps and themes of Mpreg in this do please with precaution if wary of these themes.

Some information to take note of for this story.
Each wolf in my story is technically immortal
Blue omegas are male omegas who do not mature or get a heat until 1000 years old.  They are able to bear children and are said to be the most beautiful of all the moon gods children. No one truly knows why they were hunted it is believed to be started from Jealousy
Female beta wolves can bear children
Alpha and beta wolves can mate
Alpha and beta wolves can only be killed by being beheaded with silver swords or ripping out a heart
All alpha beta and normal wolves heal, the time to heal depends on the severity of the injury
It's a little bit different for the blue omegas in my story they are immune to silver but can die by being poisoned, and can die during child birth as blue omegas can not heal.
The most brutal way to kill any omega is too remove their mating mark by burning it off it will cause a slow agonising death
Mate links- mates can communicate mentally in any of their forms, it is said true mates have the strongest bond and can know what the other is thinking and command their loved one to shift
Wolf Salivia has healing qualities I know it's unusual trust me it will work
All omega wolves mature at 1000 years old
Clan wars a cover up for atrocities against blue omegas

A little bit of background info on my story, I will of course go in to more details as the story progresses the main things to consider are, there are several clans each clan has an alpha. Now the clan wars have ended, unrest exists still to show unity the main clans have elected a supreme alpha! That supreme alpha is Chanyeol, he is immortal and the strongest of all the clan head alphas, his blood is considered pure as he is the son of most respected Jin Park who had grown tired of his life after witnessing so many wars through his millennia of life handed the reigns to Chanyeol. Both his father and Chanyeol were alive during the clan wars, his father had condemned the so call clan wars and their clan had no involvement, they even tried to save blue omegas during the height of the clan wars. Chanyeol is supreme alpha as his blood is considered purest he is powerful Hunter a strong warrior has wisdom far beyond his years

The temple that Baekhyun lives in is based on the acropolis in Athens. Baekhyun doesn't know his heritage as he was born at the end of the clan wars, his mother was the last hunted blue omega he was was not de branded as he managed to escape he died giving birth to Beakhyun begging his friends to care for Baekhyun. Baekhyun believes his parents are Yixing and Minseok, for his safety they have concealed his identity for fear of his life. Baekhyun has no reason to question his origins as not yet had a heat, but he knows he is an omega. He has typical omega qualities very intelligent, very calm and caring.

Chanyeol and his entourage are paying homage to the gods when he meets Baekhyun by accident when Baekhyun is out of the temple admiring the moon in his wolf form.

Let me know what you think so far of my ideas, the story I hope will be more detailed, below are some of pictures of the characters and a bit of a sneak peak about them

Let me know what you think so far of my ideas, the story I hope will be more detailed, below are some of pictures of the characters and a bit of a sneak peak about them

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