Surprise News

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The bright moon shown down onto the small village of Kakariko and let it glow in a mysterious light. This town always had a special atmosphere. One reason was the mixed cultures and personalities which settled down to start a new life. Another reason could be that a temple was hiding deep down in the heart of town. Many people were discussing why Kakariko was the most visited place at Hyrule, but in one thing they agreed in an instant. That it was a place where people help each other and work with their hearts. This topic always brought up one girl, which always gave 100% to help people as much as she could.

This young girl called by the name (Y/N) got up from her comfy bed to start a new day. She was living an ordinary life with no surprises, no adventures, nevertheless she was happy. Working at a potion shop (Y/N) was well known for her healing abilites and the handling with herbs. This was one reason she was often visited by a certain hero clothed in green. It always stunned her how he was able to reach her small shop with all those injuries. He was always lighten up her day with his stories about dangerous adventures. Things which were far too hard for her to handle. She knew that all too well. The imagination alone of all these terrifying monsters he had fought, were enough for her.

A knock at the door got her attention and quickly (Y/N) answered the door. To her surprise she was met with a smiling man who delivered her a letter. With a short thank you she took the envelope into her hands and watched it closely while the man left to fulfill his duties. Stunned she read the name of her mother on the top and gasped of excitment. It was many years ago that (Y/N) left her hometown to go on adventures and see the world. Sadly her mother who was raising her alone wasn't happy about her daughter's plans. Always thinking that she would stay at home it started to get difficult for the two to get along. The result, (Y/N) took her things and left after they had a big fight.

It wasn't easy to leave her mother. Who wanted to leave his family behind? But there was no way that she was able to stay. One day her mother told her about getting married with one of the boys from the village. Shocked was an understatement. (Y/N) was hurt and heartbroken. The only way to get through this nightmare was to escape.

Sighing about the past (Y/N) opened the letter. Back then after she left and rode through the fields of Hyrule, she never felt so amazing. The freedom, the nature and beautiful scenery was overwhelming her senses, but it didn't last long. With the days her money was gone, people weren't always that friendly which she had hoped and ended hungry and sad at castle town. Selling selfmade potions she had learned from books and her studying at the woods, she was noticed by an old lady. The woman took her with her to Kakariko Village and gave her a long needed job at her potion shop. The old lady was like a mother to her. Caring, understanding and the reason to go on and don't lose her hope in life and people. After she passed away (Y/N) promised to take care of the shop and get things clear with her mother. She was finished with her idea to become a traveler and going back wasn't going to happen either. So (Y/N) was paying back the gratitude which the old lady had given her. Every month she had written a letter to her mother. That she was sorry what happened, but she had to understand. That she was missing her and asking for a new start, but without an answer. Years passed and with it the hope. It came to her mind to visit her mother, but nowadays it wasn't easy. The once beautiful and peaceful Hyrule was cursed with monsters.

Her look fell on the many papers in her hand and slowly she started to read. With every word with every part she passed, more and more tears started to roll down her face. Her mother was sorry. After all those years she was answering and told her that she got all the letters and had read it. Her mother felt ashamed. It pained her heart that she was ignorant and selfish. She didn't know what to write back. She wanted to let her life like (Y/N) had decided and not getting in her way anymore.
The last page let the young girl feel sick and her hands started to shake. Her mother was ill. She didn't know what to do and the doctors couldn't help her either. (Y/N) knew that potions weren't known at her village and shops were rare at this region.

Her mother didn't write about helping her. Her mother wanted and that was the part which let her trembling, that she wanted to just see her one last time if the illness took her life.

Crying out loudly she fell to her knees. What should she do now? This all came so sudden she felt kind of paralyzed. She felt like the helpless girl in her past again. Vulnerable and weak. Taking a deep breath she touched the words which her fingertips.

"What are you thinking mother.... Sure I will come and help you...", she whispered sadly and started to get ready with an uneasy feeling.

How? How should she travel all this way without getting in trouble?

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