Difficult Adventure

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Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, (Y/N) couldn't believe that she was riding through the fields of hyrule again. Glancing to the Hero of time who rode Epona with the same enthusiasm like herself, (Y/N) felt her adventurous side took over again. Deep down she knew that traveling like that always let her heart jump of joy. Feeling safe by Link's side she was more than motivated and confident to get to her mother.
Reaching the Lost woods they passed beautiful landscapes with all kind of flowers. Watching in awe, Link had to chuckle about her childish attitude. It was like a child stood before a Christmas tree. Eyes sparkling of the beautiful colors.
Getting deeper into the woodlands (Y/N) could feel the change in the atmosphere. Not only their surroundings changed into a more darker one. (Y/N) noticed Link's serious expression as well and felt that now the fun part was over. 

"Stay by my side. This area of the woods is quite dangerous.", he whispered on alert and took a good look where they were going. Droplets of water splashed down on her soft skin and let her shiver. Annoyed her look wandered to the clouded sky where slowly the rain started to fall. "Geez...", she grumbled under her breath and put her cloak on for protection. Their vision got blurry, while the rain got heavier with each minute. Link tried to look for a shelter, but a sudden thunder which crashed down beside them interrupted his actions. Link calmed his horse Epona who was jumping in fear and watched out for his friend, but (Y/N) was out of sight. 

Clinging onto her horse she rushed through the woods without control. "Please, calm down", she shouted frightened with no chance to stop the scared horse. Out of instinct she grabbed the horse's mane and laid herself down to avoid any harm from tree branches. This went on for awhile like a never ending torture. Praying to get out of this nightmare, (Y/N) felt her horse  suddenly getting slower till the movement stopped. Glancing out of her coat she was met with an open field, looking calm and peaceful. Sighing relieved it took her some minutes to collect herself.
"now we are lost... Great.", she mumbled uneasy and looked around to find any sign of Link. The rain stopped and (Y/N) was able to go on. That was one thing she feared the most of traveling. Getting lost and be in danger. Sighing she noticed a movement behind some bushes and hoped to find Link.

"Link I am here...", she called out and rode to the point to show herself, but stopped in her tracks.
"That's not what I thought I would find.", she whispered to herself, eyes wide, frozen with her look directed to a horde of bokblins. She heard stories about them, but seeing them in reality was more terrifying than she believed. For a moment no one made a move. The creatures watched her growling dangerously with their weapons in hand. Should she scream or quickly get away?
A shout of the leader gave her the answer.
"Both!", she screamed and rode as fast as she could away from the monsters. Thinking that they wouldn't reach her on foot she hoped to make it to find Link, but loud noises told her otherwise. Following her on their horses she cursed why the goddesses hated her so much and rode into the woods to get protection. A gash of wind was felt on her body and (Y/N) noticed the arrows which failed her body. Feeling her fear took over she couldn't stop the sudden jump of her horse and the next moment she felt the hard ground. 

The wet grass soaked her clothes. Dizzy (Y/N) tried to get up, but stopped after feeling the cold metal on her cheek. Frozen in the spot she watched the ground, not able to move or trying to look up. From the sound she could tell that she was surrounded by the monsters which were discussing something. Their growling and shouting let her shiver while tears rolled down her cheeks. 

From afar a dark shadow noticed the scene interested, a smugly grin on his face.
"My my what do we have here?", he whispered to himself amused of the entertainment. Relaxed he took a seat above the trees to see what this traveler was about to do. Seeing the shaken body on the ground his grin became wider.
"already crying. I bet now comes the pleading", he chuckled while stretching his arms bored.
For (Y/N) the situation was far from entertaining. Deciding what to do she remembered the survival kit which Link gave her. It contained a knife which wasn't a weapon in general but what else should she do? Slowly she reached into her pocket to get the kit outside. Hiding it under her she took the knife out and prepared for the worse. Slowly glancing above she could see the moblin with the sword who wasn't paying attention.
Okay wait till it's over, hoping that Link would come or try to escape by surprise them? It would be an opportunity, but (Y/N) wasn't really skilled, more clumsy.
Taking a deep breath she decided to take the chance.
"now", she shouted and jumped to her feet and pushed the bokblin to the ground to get away. Surprised that she was able to break the circle of monster she started to run away. Her triumph wasn't for long. Sadly one of them catched her leg and again she was pushed to the ground. Rolling on her back and pushing herself backwards with her feet she was trapped again with now more than pissed enemies.
High above the trees the dark shadow was gasping in surprise. His look fell onto the shaken girl which relieved her face. The moment he could see her beautiful eyes, her shimmering hair and breathtaking face let his heart flutter of excitement. Never did he feel this way. Never had he seen such a beautiful being.
The sound of shouting monsters pulled him out of his trance and let him watch the situation now with anger and surprisingly with worry.
(Y/N) cried and could only watch how the bokblin jumped and directed the sword towards her body.
Suddenly darkness overcame her body and a sudden warmth engulfed her in an tight embrace. 

Was that the feeling of death? It wasn't painful.

 Irritated she opened her eyes and realized that her face was pressed againsd an black uniform. Feeling the strong chest through the dark fabric let her face heat up. Getting the thoughts out of her head her look wandered to the side. She was trapped between a shield and an embrace of a man. The loud clash of the sword against the metal echoed through her ears and let the young girl grab the tunic of her savior in fear. The sound of his racing heart calmed her. Silence took over. Only the rustling sound of the leaves in the wind was heard. 

''Fighting against bokblins all alone..Aren't we a bit reckless?'', a deep voice whispered down to her and gave her goosebumps. Before she was able to look up, his body moved and she could feel that he placed her down onto the ground. Curious of her savior she tried to get a glimpse of him but couldn't comprehend what happened next. (Y/N) only could see someone dark, maybe a shimmer of white hair. He was moving so fast and slashing through the bokblins one after another. Screaming in agony the monsters disappeared and with it the man in black. 

Stuttering the young girl looked around confused and shaken.
"(Y/N)!! Thank the goddesses you are alive!", Link came into view with her horse and rushed to her side to see if she was okay. Asking question after question what happened and if she were in trouble, she wasn't able to say anything. All (Y/N) was able to say was.

"I don't know."

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