Believe Me

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In the middle of burning houses and monsters which Link had to deal with later, he needed to comprehend the words he just heard from his long time enemy.

"You.. Love her?", Link asked stunned to hear those words from Dark. Surprised he watched the frustrated look of his dark counterpart and didn't know what to do. Link could see that he was telling the truth, but what was it of use after he what he had done?

Dark watched (Y/N) hurt and broken. Like always he only caused trouble and lost the only one, which meant the world to him.
A rough cough of her mother took their attention. Quickly Link helped her to sit up to calm her breathing.
Her look fell onto her daughter.
"I caused her so much pain...I just wanted to see her one last time. I am the worse. please get her out of here and keep her safe. Tell her that I love her and that I am so sorry.", she pleaded weakly and Dark had enough of (Y/N) 's suffering.

"Link take (Y/N) with you and I will help her mother.", Dark spoke seriously and took her mother bridal style who was stunned of his actions. "There is nothing you can do. Doctors couldn't help me. There is no cure.", she spoke sadly, but Dark didn't stop. "Maybe your doctors are helpless, but they don't work with dark magic.", he explained and nodded to Link to move. Link knew that he only was able to safe (Y/N). There was nothing he could do to help her mother. To decline Dark's idea would meant her mother's death and the total breakdown of his friend. He had to listen to him and in a way he started to trust Dark after his confession about his feelings.
"Give me one week. I see what I can do and we meet here.", Dark spoke and watched (Y/N) who was still unconscious in Link's arms. She could hate him, he had to accept that, but he had to make it up to her and do whatever he was able to for her.
Both men left the town. Link rushed to the woodlands while Dark headed to a place he normally avoid, because living at the lost woods was far more comfortable than the cold lands of the dark realm.
Too weak to ask any further her mother looked up to the man who was desperate to help her daughter. A knowing smile graced her lips before she drifted off into a deep slumber.


Opening her eyes the young girl got up weakly and watched her surroundings confused. Looking at beautiful flowers around her and the sun shone brightly above her, let her think if this all was just a nightmare, but seeing her dirty close which smelled off smoke showed her otherwise.
"I am glad that you are awake.", Link's voice reached her and let her jump in surprise. Getting down next to her he gave her a comforting smile and took her hand.
"Link..where are we? Where is my mother?", she asked shaken to hear the truth.
"is she...", she dared to say it out loud.
Link pressed her hand softly and rubbed her back in a comforting manner.
"Honestly I don't know, but before you panic, hear me out.", he spoke carefully and started to explain that the incident was too much for her to handle and she was unconscious for a whole day, how Dark decided to take her mother with him and wanted to help her. Hearing Link's story let her heart race, but she didn't know if it was of happiness or fear. Dark broke her heart. Seeing him destroying her village, her home and endanger her mother made her feelings towards him complicated.
"I don't know what to say. You let him take my mother? After what he had done?", she asked trembling while Link hugged her to calm her down.
"(Y/N) understand that I had no choice than trusting his words and letting him take her. She was really weak and the red potion only gave us time. She was at the brink of dying. Would it have been better to decline his offer and let her die? To tell you now that she isn't alive anymore, but there was a chance to maybe change her fate? ",he asked the crying girl with a soft voice.
" No... But I am still so confused about Dark and if he really is going to help her. ", she stuttered and took a deep breath to calm down.
" Believe me.. I could see that he was totally honest about it", Link told her and let her space. The next hours the Hero explained her that he helped her village to kill the monsters and stop the fire. Her home wasn't damaged too bad and they would be able to rebuilt it. Sighing in relief (Y/N) felt much better of the news.
" a small town isn't far from here. We will stay there and stock up our food and medical supplies. You need to rest for awhile.", Link told her and started to pack their things. (Y/N) agreed with the plan. She really needed some time to recover and there is nothing she could do now anyway. Only waiting and hoping that her mother will come back.

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