Relieving The Truth

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Silent the young girl rode along the path deep in thought. Her look wandered to Link who seemed thinking about something as well. (Y/N) felt in a way guilty about their situation. Link was really caring about her safety and doing this all for her and she talked about someone else who saved her twice. Thinking about it, it sure had to bother him quite much.

"Link...", she started and he raised his eyebrows nodding for her to go on. "I am so happy that you are helping me.", she started and he shrugged it off with a "sure for you anytime."
"No Link, I mean that you are such a great person, selfless you didn't think twice and took me with you on your journey, keeping me safe and still do your duties for hyrule. That's amazing. I am so grateful to be with you. Thank you.", she spoke kindly and looked into the stunned eyes of her friend. Smiling brightly he nodded happily. She could see that he needed those words to know that he wasn't disappointing her and wasn't failing in protecting her.
Feeling her vision became blurry (Y/N) wasn't able to say anything more.

"We are almost there.", Link announced happily. After he got no response he looked after (Y/N) who was falling from her horse unconscious.

"(Y/N)!!!", Link shouted shocked and got her before she got contact with the hard ground. Worried he asked her over and over again what was wrong and felt her forehead which was warm. Link couldn't help her in the middle of the street and quickly grabbed her form to get on his horse. Rushing through woods and fields Link thought desperately what happened to her. Finding a little cave to rest, he stopped and laid the young girl down on a blanket.
Looking for any signs of wounds Link remembered her torn clothes on the back caused by the spear of the Moblin. Rolling her onto her stomach he found a small scratch which looked infected. "Maybe the weapon was poisoned.", he thought and grabbed her bag to look through her bottles. There was only one way to heal her quickly. Getting the healing bottle for her mother Link didn't hesitate to use it. It was the only chance to help her. The moment the liquid glided down her throat, her body stopped to shake and calmed down. The fever was gone and the scratch disappeared slowly.
"unbelievable...", Link watched in awe and turned her back to let her rest. Making a fire he stayed by her side to rest as well.
Watching the flames dancing around the wood, Dark crossed the hero's mind. He always helped (Y/N), why not now? It didn't bother him much. He was happy about not dealing with him, but it was strange and made Link worry. "Maybe he changed and he really cares about her? Is it possible for a demon to have a heart?", he whispered and looked into the peaceful face of (Y/N). He really liked her. She was the only girl he could speak about anything freely. For him she was special. Sure he was jealous to see that Dark rescued her. Sure was he angered that she was looking at this other man with a special glint in her eyes. It angered him that Dark was about to win her heart, while he had to hold back. Link knew all too well that he couldn't make her happy. To be the hero of hyrule meant to be 24 hours a day on duty. Where was there time for love? He knew that he can't win her heart, but Dark?
He wasn't sure if this was another sick game of his.
"I... I just want you to be happy. If it isn't me then it should be someone really special to you... Who deserves you, who keeps you safe like I would..", he whispered and brushed a strand of her out of her face.
Opening her eyes of his touch she looked into the smiling face of Link.

" What happened? ", she asked confused and slowly got up.
" (Y/N) I am really sorry but I had to use your medical potion to heal you. You got hurt by the Moblin and got a fever.", he explained her uneasy how she would react.
Sighing deeply she thought about his words. She felt uncomfortable back then, but didn't notice or feel any wounds, nevertheless she felt grateful for his actions.
" I didn't know... Thank you Link again.. I am such a clumsy woman who always gets in trouble. On top of that I needed my mother's medicine for myself.", she answered and gave him a sad smile. "Don't say that. You are really tough. Who would go on after a horde of bokblins and a Moblin was going after you?", he asked her while hugging her relieved.
"someone insane?",  she joked and felt his chuckling.
"you are brave and want to help your mother. Maybe yeah.. Thinking how often you fell over a tree branch, a bit clumsy is right.", he joked and got punched on his arm. Pouting she watched him laughing while her look fell onto the empty bottle. "It would take some time to make a new one.. Hopefully my mistake wouldn't cost my mother's life.", she spoke shaking slightly. Link took her hand and helped her up.
"I will help you to find the right herbs. We will make it. Don't lose hope.", he told her and started to pack their things. (Y/N) was feeling much better and after Link's words her motivation and confidence got back. Getting on their horses and heading to her village she thought about Dark. She was hoping to see him again. After all he always was around the moment something wasn't going well. Maybe he lost his interest? In a way the thought of it pained her heart. For her he was really fascinating. Dark had something special like the way he talked or his intimating aura.

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