A fight under heros

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''You don't know?''

Shaking her head (Y/N) watched Link's confused expression, but didn't know how to explain. 

''Honestly i don't understand it myself. I got lost after my horse panicked and then a horde of bokblins were after me. They wanted to kill me, but out of nowhere someone dressed in black rescued me.'', she spoke and took Link's hand for support to get up.

''Someone black hm..'', Link murmured and got an uneasy feeling. 

''Yeah, all i know is that it was definitely a man and most in black and maybe white?...i am unsure. it all happened really fast and he was gone after the monsters were dead.'', she said and got back up onto her horse. Link's worried look made her feel uneasy as well. 

''Is something wrong? Do you know this man?'', (Y/N) asked hopefully to find out who helped her. Link snapped out of his thoughts and gave her a smile.

''I had someone in mind, but he wouldn't fit into your explanation of rescuing you. So..let's be happy and relieved that you are safe. I was scared to death after i couldn't find you.'', he spoke and started to get ready as well. On their way Link still thought about the incident.
''Was it him? Never would he do that, but still the way she described this man.'', he thought worried and tried to look normal to avoid worrying his friend who had enough action for the day.

From afar two red glowing eyes followed her on her way through the woods. ''If i wasn't there she would be dead by now...green imp..'', the shadow growled angered and couldn't take away his look from this beautiful girl. She was capturing his senses. Like a drug his mind earned for more. More smiles, more sounds of her breathtaking laughing. This feeling was making him crazy. Watching them leaving the lost woods he tried to get a glimpse of her as much as he could, but they were gone. Sighing he watched the sunset with a dizzlying feeling. His heart still racing of the thought of her small form pressed against his body. He had to do something. He couldn't believe it himself, but seeing her in danger, gave him a new found feeling deep inside that he had to safe her. His body was moving on his own, he was jumping down beside her, grabbing her and protect the young girl with his shild. The look of the shocked and scared bokblins after seeing their superior, their nightmare dressed in black was the cherry on the top. But it was confusing, out of character. He killed them all to hide this happening and run away. Was it shyness? Never would he admit that. Fear? Scared what she would say or do after seeing him, a demon. A pain shot through his heart and he touched his chest, while sighing deeply.
Yeah it was definitely fear. The fear that she would run away from him as well. Normally he would enjoy that. Playing around till their find their death, but imagine that with her wasn't feeling right in his mind. 

''(Y/N)....her name sounds as sweet as her...'', he whispered dreamingly and rested on the tree.

Link and (Y/N) found a comfortable place and rested as well. Closing her eyes she thought about his deep voice and masculine chest. In a way it gave her a tingling feeling in her chest. "Who is this man?", she thought fascinated and drifted of into a deep slumber.

The next day Link and (Y/N) started their journey again. Seeing the shimmering water at the distance of lake hylia let the young girl think back of the books she had read about this beautiful place. Thinking of the time she was a small child, she often told her mother to go there, but was always scolded for saying such nonsense. Sighing (Y/N) thought how angry she always was about her, nevertheless she loved her dearly. "Hopefully the medicine will help her..", she thought frustrated, while watching the breathtaking scenery before her. Stopping at a small house Link got down from Epona and helped (Y/N) getting down as well. "Beautiful isn't it? I have to go into the water temple. I want you to stay here till I got back.", he explained her seriously.

"Alone? After what happened shouldn't I go with you?", the girl asked uneasy and watched her surroundings for any suspicious signs of monsters.
"no, the temple is too dangerous and you aren't alone. This house is a laboratory of an old scientist. He is very friendly. If you need anything ask him. I won't be away for too long. This area is safe, I took care of it awhile ago. Just stay here and wait okay?", Link told her with a smile and left.

Believing his words she stays by her horse and started to look through her potion book for her mother.
Link reached the temple and walked through the corridors to kill the monsters, which were slowly taking over the temple. Feeling strained Link wasn't able to concentrate. His mind was by his friend who was waiting outside. There shouldn't be a problem, nevertheless it made him worry. It was his responsibility to keep her safe.
His thoughts were pushed away after entering a room which seems to have no walls. His look fell onto a tree in the middle of the room. Slowly getting closer he felt the dangerous aura spreading from it.
"The great hero Link. What a pleasure...", a deep voice spoke amused. Jumping down from his hiding spot the demon of the dark smiled evily into the face of the hero in green.

"Dark...", Link growled and got into a fighting stance.
"My my my... So much hatred. I like it.",he spoke amused and noticed that someone was missing. Irritated Dark looked behind Link to find (Y/N), but there wasn't a sign or presence of her nearby.  Dark was waiting all the time for the Hero to come to see her again. After getting this mission from Ganondorf he was motivated to fulfill this duty. And now she wasn't there. Frustrated Dark cursed under his breath, while a confused Link watched his dark counterpart angered and decided to attack him.
"How unpolite hero. I was thinking about something.", he hissed back and jumped out of the way.
"It looked like you were looking for someone. Could it be that it is (Y/N)? ", Link growled and already knew the answer. His strange acting, a man with black and a white. Only Dark would fit in this description.
"and if? That's none of your business.", Dark growled back.
"How come that a demon like you was helping her? What evil plan is on your mind?", Link shouted after getting some space between them.
"If I wasn't there she would be dead! You are calling yourself a hero! Where is she now? Why isn't she with you? ", Dark countered another attack from Link. The urge to find out where she was, was growing with each minute.
Link couldn't believe what he just heard. Was he worried about her? Did he save her because he cared? Was this even possible by a demon like him?
"I would never bring her inside a temple and close to you! I don't know what plan you are have in mind, but I swear I will kill you if you lay a finger on her.", Link shouted back ready to attack Dark with full force.
Dark froze in the spot after realizing something.
" is she waiting outside? At lake hylia? ", Dark asked shocked and stopped his fighting immediately.
Uneasy Link watched his frustrated state, thinking about if he should answer him, but his look and his body language as crazy as it sounded was worried.
"well yeah... By the laboratory. It's the safest place why?", Link asked confused and was met with a shocked  Dark who was holding his head in frustration.
"God damn it. I have to go after her!", he spoke and was about to run, but was stopped by Link who grabbed the demon by his collar.
"If someone is helping her then it's me. What have you done?", Link asked, his voice full of hatred.
"I didn't do anything. A giant moblin is roaming around this area lately.", he hissed back and pushed the Hero out of the way to leave.

"please be okay (Y/N)...."

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