A Moblin, A demon And (Y/N)

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The birds were singing a beautiful melody, ducks swam around and (Y/N) relaxed by the water, enjoying her time.
Link was right. The old man was very friendly and invited her for dinner. As a thank you she helped him out by cleaning his laboratory.
He also showed her some experiments which she found quite amazing.
"What a day... Hopefully Link is alright.", she sighed while putting her legs into the water. The next moment the ground was trembling. The ducks and birds left frightened and (Y/N) noticed the dead silence around her. Feeling the fear crawl up her back she got up quickly and looked around worried. Her eyes landed on a mass of pink, a disgusting smell and a dangerous looking spear.

"What the hell is that!?", she gasped in disbelief of seeing such a monster and  didn't thought twice of running away. Screaming of the top of her lungs she ran as fast as her legs could move. Passing the house of the old man she noticed him by the window looking for the source of the scream.
"Old man stay where you are!!! A monster is coming!!", she shouted while looking for the giant pink nightmare. (Y/N) noticed that the monster was stomping to the house ready to destroy the old man's home. Shocked she thought how she could stop him. Quickly she rushed to her bag and searched for a special bottle she took with her for her mother. It was a present, but in this situation a chance to rescue the old man. Getting the bottle with blue liquid she opened it and sprayed it on her skin and to the direction of the monster. A sweet and unresistable scent reached his nose. Eyes wide the Moblin smelled (Y/N) 's perfume and started to follow her. Running along the brigde she hoped the monster would be to heavy and break it, but the ropes were quite robust.
"Guess I have to cut it..", she whispered strained and took out her knive. The Moblin struggled to get along, but was getting closer with every minute. (Y/N) started to cut through the many ropes, shaken and sweaty. It wasn't that easy as expected. With quick moves she worked like a maniac. A growl was heard and she looked up to be met with a flying spear. Quickly she let herself fall to the ground while the spear ribbed her clothes on the back. Looking up she searched for her knive, but couldn't find it anymore. "Damn it what now?..", she cursed frustrated and thought about to jump into the water and leave, but if the monster didn't follow her anymore, it might attack the old man again.
A grappling hook shot into the wood of the bridge and a man jumped down right before her frightened form. Eyes wide she watched the back of the man clothed in black. Turning around she gasped of the smirking grinning demon who watched her closely with his deep red eyes. He was looking like Link, but his appearance, his confident and kind of arrogant expression made him a complete different person. His white locks framed his face perfectly and his black tunic fitted his toned body like no other.
"Need help princess?", he asked jokingly and gave her a playful grin, but before (Y/N) was able to respond he was gone and with it the Moblin and the whole bridge, which broke of her work before.
"Oh nooo. Are you okay!!?", she looked down to the water and watched Dark spitting water and cursing.
"I cut the ropes to let the monster fall into the water..", she explained flustered after seeing him taking his hat off and releasing more of his cute white locks.
"Yeah it worked perfectly as you can see.", he grumbled embarrassed.
"I am so sorry! ", she shouted and didn't notice the moving ground. The next moment she found herself flying down as well and a gasping demon who couldn't escape anymore.
The first thing she felt was ice cold water. Quickly swimming back to the surface, she felt someone grab her body. First she thought the Moblin might got her, but then she felt an warm embrace and knew that it only could be him. Gasping she came out and met the smiling face of Dark whos face was really close.
"Got you!", he whispered. (Y/N) was paralyzed by this handsome face.
"Thank you for helping me again..", she spoke flustered and watched his nervous expression. He prepared himself to speak to her, to look confident and impressive, but her sweet talking alone let his heart race so fast that he had to concentrate not to lose control and get a stuttering mess. And God was she smelling good. Was she a goddesse or something?
"your scent is...so beautiful. ", he stuttered amazed and watch her embarrassed state dreamingly.

"that's a perfume I made. It contains blue nightshades. I put it on to lead the Moblin away from the house. Thank the goddesses it worked.. I wasn't sure.", she spoke shyly.

"amazing. Sure it worked. Looking at you and with such a delicate scent I would follow you to the end of the world.", Dark blurted out and watched her eyes wide expression shocked.
"we should get out of here before we catch a cold.", he avoid her flustered expression to hide his own embarrassment and pointed to the land.

Completely soaked she sat down in the sun to calm down and warm her body. Dark was about to start a conversation, but a sudden growl erupted from the water and the Moblin crawled out torwards their direction. Jumping back in fear Dark pulled the girl behind himself. Before he could do anything an arrow shot through the head of the monster and it dissappeared in smoke. Looking for the source he was met with a calm, but serious looking hero.
"Link! You are alright!", (Y/N) hugged him tightly which he had to smile. Dark cursed jealous and looked away hurt.
"Took you long enough. You are late again.", Dark spoke in a mocking tone.
"I was right on time, but didn't interfere your actions to get answers. I was watching the whole time. Tell me. What is you intention demon", Link spoke in a demanding tone and pressed (Y/N) who watched Dark uneasy closer. The way (Y/N) watched him after hearing Link calling him a demon broke his heard. For a moment he felt that maybe he could reach her, to just be by her side like any other person, but the awful truth showed him that he couldn't escape his name. The demon of the dark.
Sighing he snapped with his fingers and vanished into smoke.
"This damn demon", Link cursed and hugged her tightly.
"(Y/N) I don't know what he had told you, but be careful. Dark is the most dangerous demon out there. He is known of his terrifying crimes. Please don't believe him anything. He is playing sick games.", Link told her strained. Hearing what person Dark was pained her heart.
" But he saved me twice.. ", she started but was stopped by Link's angered expression.
" Forget it (Y/N). Whatever he is planning it always ends with blood on his hands. Stay away from him.", he spoke seriously and took her hand to lead her back to their horses. She felt like she was about to cry. She never felt such a tingling feeling in her stomach. Now this all meant nothing?
Watching Link's stressed expression she decided to follow his plead. He was working really hard to help her and guide her to her mother. This was her goal. That was the reason of this journey. Everything else was just getting in her way.

Hiding in the distance Dark thought about Link's harsh words and was surprised that he didn't explode like he used to. Deep down he knew that he was right. Everything he did ended in blood. It was clear that he would protect her from him and it was right. Link was the hero.
Dark had to admit that it felt amazing to rescue her, to hold her in his arms, to do the right thing. For it wasn't possible to let her go anymore. Too intense were his feelings towards this beautiful girl. He couldn't just leave. He wasn't the hero, but Dark decided to become one for her.

"Sorry Link... I will fight for her.", Dark whispered motivated and followed them from afar.

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