Part 1, An Invitation

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Just a small collaboration with Grendel45 he is working on his own version of this story, go check him out and since both are named (Y/N) I'll give names, the (Y/N) Duelist at IS Academy shall be named Gracchus while the (Y/N) from My Sunshine will be named Tavarious

Tavarious yawned as he awoke from his 8-hour slumber. He looked at the clock and then the calendar.

"Oh right, it's a holiday, I guess there is no need to wake up Tohka." Tavarious said. "Might teach her some math after breakfast."

He got up from his bed and walked over to the living room. From there he went to check the mail.

"What the hell?" Tavarious questioned as he observed 2 letters, one from an organization called Ratatoskr and another from a school called IS Academy.

He opened the letter from Ratatoskr first since it was a private organization and wondered if it was a job.

The letter read as followed:
     Dear Tavarious,
We here at Ratatoskr have heard that you have gotten a sort of invitation due to your sister's influence before she passed away, Ratatoskr has approved of this since we would still have a good watch on you so there will be not much change other than location.

Sincerely, Commander of the Fraxinus

Tavarious looked puzzled at the letter but it has something to do with his older sister. He switched to the next letter.

It went as followed:

    Dear Tavarious and Tohka,
We have acknowledged both of your capabilities based on observations given to us by a few recruiters out on the field. Tavarious, due to your intellect and possible healing capabilities, you be accepted for the possibility of you to control an IS. Tohka is also invited for the possibility of controlling an IS and for her physical capabilities. See you soon.

Juuzou Kutsuwagi

What the actual fuck, I have so many questions like how do they know about Tohka, what do they mean about healing capabilities, are they talking about the time I got shot, how did they see it? Tavarious thought. Wait, there is something at the bottom, and shouldn't Tohka be awake by now?

Ps: this isn't optional, we even got permission from the organization in charge in your area.

Wait wha-

Suddenly, Tavarious was grabbed from behind and lifted in the air. Tavarious tried to get out of the grip by struggling but the grip was a strong one. A cloth was then put on his mouth. Considering the possibility of chloroform, Tavarious held his breath and continued to struggle.

Eventually, he was shoved in a car, Tavarious looked to his side to see a sleeping Tohka. The car started and began driving.

"Don't worry, she's not in any harm it's just that her sleep has been extended." The driver spoke. "Sorry to do this to you but the people in charge wanted you and her so bad, but they did promise that you could be a worthy to Gracchus opponent in the future along with the girl."

"Who are you people?" Tavarious asked.

"Yeah, you definitely an introduction, my name is Chifuyu." The person at the driver's seat explained. "The guy beside me is Gracchus."

There is the first chapter I plan to continue if this is more is requested. Author out.

Crossover Between Duelist At IS Academy And My SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now