15| Trouble In Paradise.

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Day 8(2): Trouble In Paradise.

MY PARENTS SAT IN FRONT OF ME. I could practically feel the tension building up in the room. I felt incredibly uneasy, and due to that, I shifted very uncomfortably in my seat.

My mother's feet tapped impatiently on the ground as she clutched unto my father's arm, while his face was going completely pink. I couldn't tell if it was because of my mother's actions, or because of the tension in the room. Which ever one it was, he was clearly not feeling well because of it.

I waited patiently for one of them to speak.

Trust me, I'd tried to run away, but of course, my father was fast enough. He laughed it off like it was no big deal and told me he just wanted to explain a few things regarding the incident that happened yesterday.

I reluctantly agreed and asked to meet up in their room. So now, here we were.

"Ava," my father started. "I'd first like to apologise about yesterdays' events." The remorse in his voice was evident.

"I'd also like to apologise," my mother swallowed, "we all know I shouldn't have said what I said. It was. . . Immature of me."

No shit.

"I know," I said. My voice came out a lot more quieter and fragile than I intended. I didn't need them knowing what happened last night had an effect on me. "But it's-"

"I gave birth to you, Ava. I know it's not okay. Don't say it is. You have the habit of pretending everything is okay when it's not." My mother said.

"I-" I wanted to defend myself, but couldn't find the right words to. She was right. Heck, why was everyone right and I was wrong? First it was Tom, whom I still needed to find, and then my mother.

"Ava, to make things a lot more clear to you, your mother and I would like to tell you something that we've been hiding for a few months now."

A few months?

"We've been thinking of it for over a year now, but we only decided on it last month."

"Can we get to the point? I feel suffocated." I gulped and took in a deep breath. 

"Sorry, your mother and I are. . ." My parents looked at each other as if debating the topic. They weren't sure if they could tell me just yet. If I hadn't found out, how long would they hide this from me?

". . . Getting a divorce?" I finished for him. I let out a soft chuckle once my parents glanced at me. They looked dumbstruck, as if they were confused and trying to figure out the emotions running through my emotionless face.

"I found out on my own." I told them, offering a small smile. "It's no big deal, really." I shrugged it off like it was nothing, even though my heart felt like it was being torn apart by seven inch stilettos.

Oh, if only they knew.

"You know what?" I stood up, feeling a whirlwind of emotions hit me all at once. "Since this relationship clearly has no saving to it, I'll just let you in on all my life happenings. First, I may or may not have eavesdropped on your conversation about two weeks ago? I don't remember exactly when. Anyways, I found out you planned on getting a divorce."

"Then, I ran out, met with Lillian at Ben's Parlour, she came up with this. I bought it and thought it was a very good idea to help you guys to know you're worth together. But every time I tried to do something, it always failed."

"I got waiters to help me, even Tom. Oh, and got you both drunk so you can both sleep in the same bed! I did everything I could, but no, I still somehow managed to fool myself into thinking that I could somehow get you both to stay together."

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