Episode 16

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(Julia wakes up besides Carl, as she slept beside him all night)

Julia: Good morning

Carl: You slept here all night?

Julia: Yea, I was watching over you.

Carl: You didn't have to, i'm fine.

Julia: Why did you do that?

Carl: Huh?

Julia: Why'd you trick me into making you a vampire?

Carl: Because of all the powers I could possess.

Julia: But that's absurd, Do you know there are also the weaknesses of being a vampire?

Carl: Like what?

Julia: The Sun, garlic,hunger for blood.

Carl: I think I can handle all that

Julia: Carl listen to me, I can help you get through this.

Carl: I don't need your help (just then, he screams in pain) Ahhh! What's that sound?

Julia: Its the clock ticking.

Carl: Why's it so loud?

Julia: When someone becomes a vampire, everything is heightened,emotions, sight, smell, hearing...Look I understand that as a human boy, you were usually aggressive and all that is heightened but I can help you control your emotions.

Carl: Like i said, I don't need your help.

(Mrs Sanders enters their room)

Mrs Sanders: Good morning sweeties (To Carl) How're you feeling now?

Carl: Much better mom

Mrs Sanders: That's good, you both should go have your bath and get dressed for school.

Julia: Okay mom.

(Mrs Sanders leaves the room)

Carl: Excuse me, I need to have my bath.

(Carl opens the window and curtains to let the sun in but it burns his skin and he closes it immediately)

Carl: Owww (looks at his injury as it heals quickly) That hurt.

Julia: Told ya.

Carl: But how do you walk in the sun?

Julia: I thought you said you didn't need my help.

Carl: Well I'm sorry for saying that, I do need your help.

Julia: (shows him her silver bracelet) I wear this regularly, to shield me from the sun

Carl: A mere bracelet? Or is it enchanted?

Julia: No, I usually dip it in a chemical called comodium acetate. Do you have any jewelry of yours?

Carl: Yea (takes out a bronze ring and hands it to here) Here...

Julia: Okay, Go have your shower, I'll be back with the ring by the time you're done.


Julia: (gives Carl his ring) Take it, you need to wear it always so you won't burst into flames.

Carl: Got it.

Mrs Sanders: Kids! We need to go now.

(Dishville middle school)
(Carl approaches Nadine)

Carl: Hey Nadine.

Nadine: Hi Carl, um... I have to go now

(Nadine attempts to leave but Carl grabs her tightly by her arm)

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