Chapter Seven

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The bus was practically empty, save Harper and Kelsey, who occupied a single cabin toward the center. The late afternoon sun sent warm, fleeting rays through the window as they sped into the city.

When Kelsey got home from school, she'd barely removed her backpack before Harper ushered her back out the door. She didn't bother alerting their mother, who already informed them she'd be working late. Harper hadn't thought about the park in years, but hearing Jen talk about it sparked withdrawal feelings. Besides, she had an obligation to share it with Kelsey, who may need it in the coming years.

The bus rolled to a stop, and Kelsey sprang from her seat, firmly grasping Harper's hand and pulling her along. She was a curious kid, which made Harper both proud and worried. They walked together along the sidewalk leading to the center of the city. Kelsey kept her gaze upward, ogling at the tall height of the buildings from just beneath them, and Harper had to yank her arm when she strayed distractedly toward the street. Amidst the towering structures, Kelsey hardly noticed when they arrived,

"Here it is," Harper shook her hand gently, and she pulled her head down from the sky immediately. Her big, brown eyes grew round, and her jaw hung loose. The trees expelled a sort of fascinating chaos this time of year. Colors gleamed overhead; though far shorter than the building, each branch sang a soft, friendly welcome. Kelsey gave herself a moment to take in the sight of it before picking up a sprint toward the entrance, still holding tightly to her big sister's hand.

Harper's body began to fill with a comfortable sensation that quickly reached her core. Simultaneously, her skin stretched as the feeling bounced within her body, failing to hit her brain. She anticipated the explosion of laughter as the pressure within her peaked, but it didn't come.

Both of them were out of breath from the jog by the time they reached the grass. Harper walked deep into the park, where she would be blocked from view by onlooking passersby. She let her back hit the soft ground and sprawled out her legs, profoundly inhaling the beautiful fresh air.

Kelsey walked over cautiously and peered down at her sister in concern,

"Why are you lying down?"

"It's relaxing," Harper said calmly, and laid an arm out for her, "come here, you try."

Kelsey looked around quickly before sitting down next to Harper. She laid back, and Harper felt Kelsey's plush curls snuggle against her arm. The air was still, and the temperature was slowly beginning to drop as the sunset drew nearer. She secured her arm around Kelsey's shoulder and squeezed her tight, hoping it could help keep her warm.

They didn't move for a while. At least long enough to hear the waves of people leaving work for the evening. Harper suspected that her sister had fallen asleep, but she didn't want to risk checking and possibly waking her. Despite her arm being completely numb and the grass beginning to itch her neck, Harper was utterly comfortable, inside and out.

"Well, this is a surprise," she heard a familiar voice and flicked her eyes open instantly.

Kyle stood, leaning over, above her. His curls fell gently around his face, which she couldn't see clearly shadowed in front of the sun. Her hands sweat instantaneously, and the feeling of comfort was stolen as her entire body grew increasingly hot.

Harper almost entirely forgot about Kelsey lying there until she stirred and shifted to see who was talking. They both sat up, and Kyle crouched to meet them at eye-level.

"Kels," Harper looked to her sister, who already was distracted by the sight of a bird, "why don't you go see if you can find pretty flowers over there?"

She gestured toward the opposite end of the park, no more than twenty feet away. Kelsey stood, barely letting her finish, and picked up a skip to follow her new flying friend.

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