The Contest Part 2

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And every English archer came
To try and win their great acclaim.
As best of shots in all the land
Including Robins merry band.

From cask their free in sheriffs fair
As free as prey in hunters lair.
And Robin puts on  servants tress
The prince of thieves as beggar dressed.

To hide himself in plainest sight
From wicked sheriffs evil spite.
To starting line he quickly flies
Along with rest of bandit spies.

And contest starts at highest noon
The prize for Robin, certain doom.
For Sheriff knows who ever wins
Is Robin Hood and merry men.

As day had grown so long with sport
The list of archers grew yet short.
And two were left to face their foe
With nothing cept their wits and bow.

Both Robin Hood and Hubert Stan
The greatest shots in Britains lands.
Did toss a coin to fairly pick
Who shot their arrow first and quick.

And Hubert shot of greatest skill
Did take the line to crowds own thrill.
To make an archer's fabled mark
With deadest aim and highest art.

In center mass his shot does land
And greatly chagrins Robin's band.
Who see no path for bandit's win
For fickle hand of chance had sin.

And heart of merry men were broke
Yet Little John who boldly spoke
"I must admit my sweet relief
To see him face this timely grief.

For sheriff plans to kill the man
At end of fair who lastly stands.
As victor over all he sees
For death is contest entry fee.

And humble pie will never waste
For man who seeks his doom with haste.
Perhaps a part of grander plan
A harder life for better man."

Then robin took the archers line
With stillest hand and calmest mind,
And under threat of death and pain
Did Robin split the arrow twain...

Robin Hood and the Great Archery ContestWhere stories live. Discover now