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_'Clay's POV'_

I woke up to a heavy feeling on my chest. I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light in my room. Once my sight was clear, I looked down only to be met by a fluffy tail.

I chuckled quietly, before slowly picking up the bundle of fur sleeping soundly on my chest.

"Morning Patches!"

I cooed to my cat lovingly. She let out a long yawn, before mewling softly.

(To those who don't know what mewling means, mewling is like a cry of a cats make when they are in pain or a cry of a kitten.)

I smiled softly at Patches, before getting up to prepare for school. I walked into the bathroom, and as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I'm reminded of what happened last night. How I rested my head on G's lap, staring at their blurred face, imagining what they looked like with their face unblurred.

The comfort I felt when they started rubbing their thumb against my arm, trying to soothe me during the situation.

I smiled at the thought the of the day to finally being able to see their face. I snapped out of my thoughts and started to get ready for school.

I drove to school, wanting to be earlier than usual to see if I could hang out with George before my rowdy friends arrived.

I parked near the entrance of the school. I checked my watch, it was 6:47AM. Class starts at 10:30 today since its Friday. And its to early for any of my friends to arrive.

I walked down the parking lot to the front doors of the university. I immediately spot George. He was reading a book, heading towards the direction of his secret spot.

I slowly walked up to him, not wanting to scare him, I gently tapped his shoulder. He seemed to jump at the sudden touch and whipped his head around to see the source of it.

He stared at me like he just saw an alien riding a green headless pig on mars, but hey who am I to judge?


I said, smiling widely at him. He seemed to relax a bit, but he still looked cautious. I supposed its not normal for him to be talking to someone since he was always alone, plus it was like 7 in the morning.

"Hi... what are you doing here?"

He asked me, he placed a bookmark at the page he was reading and closed the book. He turned his full attention to me, which made me burst with happiness.

"Well... I wanted to umm... hang out with you again..."

I said, barely above whisper. I didn't want to be rejected. I just REALLY want to escape my friends.

He seemed to hear what I whispered since he said:

"Oh! Sure! I'd love the company, it sometimes gets lonely when Zak or Darryl doesn't hang out with me for awhile. Guess their really serious about their 'friendship'."

"Really!? Thanks! I REALLY wanna escape my friends for awhile. Their great but..."

I shuddered when I remembered one specific memory.

"Yea, I get what you mean. Every time I pass you guys at the hallways I always find one of them doing a backflip or something like picking their nose and flicking the booger at one of your other friend."

He giggled while saying the last part. His giggles remind me of G's giggles. They have almost the same giggle which was odd.

We started walking to the location of George's spot. We talked about random thing when I remembered what he said about Zak and Darryl.

"Hey George, when you mentioned Zak and Darryl, I noticed the smug look on your face when you said something about their friendship. Is something wrong with them? Are they alright?"

He looked at me like he saw an alien. AGAIN. Do I really look that horrible today? I think I looked alright when I left my apartment.

"You don't see it?! They frequently hang out with you and you don't see it?!"

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. See what? Am I supposed to know something?

He turned into fits of giggles that eventually started to become laughs.

Once he stopped laughing, he wiped a fake tear out of his eyes, and looked at me with a smile.

"Its obvious that Zak and Darryl are in love. The way they look at each other gives it away."

What he said made my jaw drop. INLOVE?! WHY DIDNT I KNOW THIS!?


"Well, if other people pay attention to them, I would say almost 95% of the school know about their 'friendship'. Its a miracle you didn't see this. Its so obvious, its like they don't even make an effort to try and hide it."

I looked at him, complete shock is visible on my face. We continued to talk until I got a call. I looked at the callers ID. It was Nick. I forgot all about him! He was supposed to be here like an hour ago. I looked at George, he looked at me confused. Me being nervous was an understatement of what I was feeling.

I tried to find the courage to ask him. I sucked up a breath and opened my mouth to talk, but he spoke first.

"Let me guess. One of your friends are here, I'm guessing your best friend, what was his name? Mike? I cant remember. Now, this friend of yours is asking where you are, and by the look on your face, and by the bullets I call nervous sweating, you were going to ask me if he can come here and hang out with us. Am I right?"

My jaw dropped. He saw this and his smile vanished. He looked at me seriously. He opened his mouth to speak, but I placed a hand over his mouth to stop him.

"Before you say anything, I just want to tell you a few things. Ahem. First of all, HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU FIGURE THAT OUT?! Second his name is Nick, not Mike. Third, before you make a decision about him coming here, let me tell you, if Nick promises not to tell anyone, he will NOT tell anyone. Nick holds almost ALL of my secrets and he hasn't told anyone. Not even our friends. You can trust Nick not to tell anyone about this place. I promise."

I looked at him seriously, but my eyes tell otherwise. I was nervous about what he was going to say. I slowly pulled my hand back to let him speak.

"Ok, thank you for the explanation. Ill let him come here if your sure he wont tell anyone."

"I swear, he wont tell any living being."

He hesitated for a bit, my phone was blowing up from all the texts Nick was sending me, asking where I was. Then George spoke.

"Alright. If you you say he wont tell anyone then, I trust your opinion. I trust you and everything you say."

I was relieved and terrified at the same time. George trusts me, I know for a fact that George doesn't trust anyone lightly which was the terrifying part. But he let Nick come here.

I nodded. I told George that I was gonna get Nick. He approved with a curt nod.

It was time to introduce my bestfriend to my NEW friend. Wait, does George see me as a friend? I mean I've only talked to him a few times, and this was only the third time I hung out with him.

But George trusts me, so I think he does see me as a friend. I pushed the thought out of my head when I entered the parking lot. Ill ask George about that later. For now, I need to go get Nick.

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