A/N (update)

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This will be deleted when it's no longer relevant to allow the regular flow of the chapters. ^^

So I've been incredibly busy the past weeks (moving away, competing, training my filly), which is why I haven't been able to draw the covers for the previous chapter and for chapter 16 which is already up on AO3. I didn't want to upload it here until I have the drawings ready (I'm a sick perfectionist, it really bugged me. I still can't believe I managed to bring myself to upload chapter 15 without a cover!)

I finally made the move to my new house a couple of days ago, but my room still has no furniture (I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor) so naturally - my computer is still packed. We moved a few weeks early and the house isn't finished yet (we don't even have a kitchen sink or a mirror in the bathroom or any proper furniture).

I'll be setting my PC back in a couple of weeks once I have a desk, then I'll take a few days to draw the covers and write chapter 17 (super excited for the plot of that one!). You can expect the new chapters then! ^^

If you wish to read chapter 16 now, it is available on AO3. That's where most of this story's readers are, so it's a bit more crowded there.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a magnificent day!

~ Luna

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