Contest #13: Campaign | RESULTS

89 8 11

Everyone did such amazing posters! I'm so happy that everyone made beautiful campaign materials! Congratulations to the winners!

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Everyone did such amazing posters! I'm so happy that everyone made beautiful campaign materials! Congratulations to the winners!

Honourable Mention

I love the text and the images! Great job!

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I love the text and the images! Great job!

Third Place

The images are awesome and the text is so cool! Great job!Second PlaceTrushaJi

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The images are awesome and the text is so cool! Great job!
Second Place

The images are awesome and the text is so cool! Great job!Second PlaceTrushaJi

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I love the text and the blurb. The images are great, amazing work!
First Place

I fell in love with this one, the text is very clustered and crazy but it comes together  so nicely!

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I fell in love with this one, the text is very clustered and crazy but it comes together so nicely!

Thank you so much for entering! I will be taking a break. I'll try and return on the twenty third. Have a nice day, if you want to know some cool contests I have a bunch in my reading list!

You will find the stickers in one of the previous contests. I suggest sometime before costumes. So sorry I wasn't able to put them up again, I have a big school project I need to finish.

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