Chapter Eight

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Just a short filler. Sorry! You guys deserve more :( And no Scott like I promised. But he will for sure be in the next one. For sure. I just don't know when I'll get to that. I know, I suck. Enjoy this though! You guys are great :)


“Hey Meg?” I whispered, being unable to sleep. It was pitch black in her room, where I decided to spend the night. It was midnight by the time we got back to town and I knew Dad wasn’t home tonight. I was too emotional and I really just didn’t want to be alone. I knew if I was I’d just start sobbing again.


“Do you understand any of this? ‘Cause I really don’t.” I didn’t have to say what. She knew that I was talking about whatever was going on between Scott and I.

“Fate.” She said simply, and I snorted. She was 100% serious.

“You know I think that’s bull.”

“Seriously. Just think about it. You meet a guy one day and you are undeniably attracted to him. The guy leaves and you never see him again. But wait. He ends up being your freaking Biology teacher. Not only that, but you’re so freaking attracted to him that you attack his face after knowing he was your teacher for over a week.”

“That just makes me a slut.”

“No. Because you’re not like that. If it was anyone else- hell it could be effing Alex Pettyfer- and you wouldn’t even look at the man. It’s fate. Just accept it.”

“This doesn’t make anything easier. Yeah, okay, so maybe I’m not as slutty as Danielle, but seriously, I want to screw a teacher. That doesn’t exactly make you a nun.”

“Correction. You want to screw Scott Tennings. You don’t want to screw your Biology teacher. There’s a big difference.”

“It’s the same person.”

“Whopdee doo. You just need to let go. Quit over thinking everything, and just let go. If you’re not going to listen to your heart, at least listen to your vagina.”

I burst out laughing. Ladies and gentlemen, Megan Thresher. “You are such a whore.” I laughed.

“Oh I know.” She replied, laughing herself.

“I’ll go for it.” I said seriously.

“Wait, what?” Meg said, confused by the change of topic.

“I’ll just let whatever happen, happen. I’m not gonna fight it.”

I expected something else from Meg. Something serious, or maybe even a joke. But what I did not expect was for her to jump up screaming “YES!” and doing a little happy dance.

When she plopped back down on the bed sitting criss-crossed she clapped her hands together, a huge smile on her face, and started rambling. “Oh my god when you guys get married I better be your freaking maid of honors and I’m not gonna wear and ugly dress I won’t let you do that to me but oh my god when you guys have little babies oh shit they are going to be the cutest things ever and I need to be the godmother I don’t give a crap that neither of us are religious oh my god that can call my Auntie Meg or should I be Aunt Meggie and—”

I slapped my hand over her mouth. My face red just from the thought of having babies with Scott. Okay red from the fact that I liked that idea. “Too fast. I’m 18. He’s 23. I’m a student. He’s my teacher. No babies.”

“Just one? Pleeeeeeeease?” She begged like a 2 year old, doing the puppy dog face and everything. She’s so immature sometimes.

I pretended to think about it. “Fine. Maybe just one.”

“You looooooove him.” She sang.

I just laughed, and said outloud jokingly “I just like him for his body.” But one the inside I was thinking, “No. Not love. But I’m sure it wouldn’t take too long to get there.”

Because You Live (Student/Teacher) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now