The Broken Hearts!!

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It was a typical morning in the Chedi palace. There were the regular laughs of the children in the palace, and like every day the clashing of swords could be heard in the royal practice ground; but among the warriors practicing, there was the princess of Chedi, although a princess, she held the sword with so much confidence that she’d bring even the skilled of warriors to their knees... Her focus seemed to lay at the tip of her sword, eyes narrowed, aware of everything around her. Although no one can see her face with all the warriors circling her, her eyes were enough to make the whole world stop, it was as if she could command the world to her needs with just one look.

Just outside the arena, there was a kid, around 7 or 8, who was watching her, eyes lighting up at every move. Watching her stance and technique carefully, as though he was memorizing everything; learning it by seeing her…

All the warriors around her moves, revealing her face, her hair tied back, yet stray hairs followed the wind, her charcoal black eyes showed the pride of winning, a feeling which this princess never seemed to let go of, and her eyes, they seemed to tell their own story, maybe that’s why they never stood still, she was lean and at first glance no one would expect her to be such a great warrior.

“Come on Niru! Your turn!” She says standing over the last soldier. Lowering her sword and giving him a warm smile.

He picks up his sword and looks at his mother for assurance, she gave him her most assuring smile and nodded “You can do it Niru, you are trained for this, I believe in you, go on, show me your best”

The young prince still seemed slightly nervous, but nonetheless he stood facing her to fight, with his every swing, although hesitant, showed potential.

“Do you think I did well mumma!” He says the nervousness vanished as he grinned.

She smiles at her son, he had been learning how to fight hoping that one day he could be as good as his father, though he resented him... The prince was skilled and for someone who had just started learning he showed a lot of potential, but he was always hesitant to practice with anyone other than his mother. He feared that he would make a mistake and fail, he was afraid of disappointing his mother, the only person that truly loved him.

“Better than I did when I was of your age, you might even be better than me one day Niru, you might even surpass your father!”

“I- I don’t care about surpassing him! If he cared about me succeeding he’d actually be here!” He says clenching his fist around his sword and glaring.

Her smile fades slightly, she always wanted her son to grow up with his father… look up to him as his idol, care about him, but the prince despised his father… and at this point it was too late though she was disappointed to think... he did have a valid reason for his behaviour…

“Niru! That’s enough! he’s your father!” she says quite sternly this time.

“And what a great father he is!” He says storming off.

She tries to go after him but is interrupted; “Rajkumari!” A dasi says running up to her.

“What?” she snaps in frustration

“R-rajkumari Karenumati… Maharani Damyanti has called you and Rajkumar Niramitra! Rajkumar Nakul is here...”

She stops in her tracks, not quite believing her own ears… ‘it couldn’t be possible could it?’ she thought to herself overwhelmed, "W..what? He is here" her frustration intensified at the sound of his name, but the mother in her started fearing… ‘If Niru ran into him it would be a disaster! Niru can’t meet him, I can’t let my son break because of that prideful prince, who actually never cared about my son’ She thinks to herself.

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