A Promise To Be Kept

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“Niru… can you forgive me kiddo?” Nakul asks Niru with a glimmer of hope in his eyes

“...no really… I can’t forgive you! You’re the reason we were alone for so long, mom was alone… you hurted her a lot, I don’t think it’s possible rajkumar… it’s best you forget about us and go back” Niru says, his voice slightly shaky.

“I can’t kiddo… I know I messed up but I’m here now, I- ”

“Wow… you came when we didn’t need you…”

“Ok you don’t need me I know that! B- but I do, I want my son Niru… please just give me one chance, let me fix this or get as close as I can to fixing it!”

“Forget it Rajkumar, I’m going, it’s late”

“Ok Niru… you might not consider me anything but you’re still my son… I’ll always be there, I’m still gonna try...”

Niru leaves ignoring Nakul but unbeknownst to them, Renu, who was watching this interaction from her balcony, she wasn't sure how to feel… all she could think about was Nakul leaving and Niru in pain, the thought that Niru might get hurt just shattered her…

After Niru leaves Nakul can’t seem to get his words out of his head… ‘She probably didn’t eat’ he thinks to himself…

He takes some fruits and sweets and heads to renu’s room… as he stands outside the large wooden doors, conflicted… “she probably doesn’t wanna see you… much less eat the food you brought,” he says to himself.

“But what if she really didn’t eat, how can you live with yourself if your wife didn’t eat because of you” he reasons to himself

Nakul takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, no response

He knocks again but no one opens the door… he’s about to turn around but the nagging feeling that renu is in there most likely hungry, and his mind started to assume the worst

He slowly tried the doorknob and opened the door just enough to see if there was anyone in the room.

He peaked in slightly and heard soft sobs coming from the far right of the chamber… Now he was even more worried. He stepped into the room and looked towards the balcony… and there renu stood in the cold, no shawl… soft sobs and tears streaming down her face…

“Why is this happening now… h-he came now! And he’s gonna leave again... ” she says to herself in voice not above a whisper, but to Nakul. “I- I can’t… Niru is gonna get attached I can’t keep picking him up and putting him together after Nakul decides to break us… leave again... ”

Nakul hears Renu says this and immediately goes to hug her without thinking shocking her

“Renu, I’m sorry, I won’t leave you like that again, I won’t hurt you or Niru, I promise”

“No Nakul… it’s too late for that”

“Renu please! Just give me a chance, love! I won’t, I can’t hurt you and Niru again!” He says cupping her face.

“How do I know that nakul? For all I know Niru’s gonna get attached again and you’re gonna leave! He’s my son nakul! I can’t see him break!” She says pushing him off and wiping her tears.

“Renu, all I’m asking you is one chance, please I won’t mess up, trust me” Nakul says trying to come closer to Renu again

“Maybe I would trust you if you hadn’t abandoned us nakul! Or hell even just written to us once in a while! Replied to the multitude of letters I sent you!”

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