Blood's Broken bond

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“Dad...” Niramitra says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Renu’s eyes widen as she turns around to see an equally shocked Nakul… “Niru go to your room”

“Why is he here?!” Niru asks, glaring at him.

“Niru I told you to go to your room” Renu says again this time more sternly.

“WHY IS HE HERE?! Tell him to go! Why now?! I don’t need him anymore!!” Niru yells ignoring his mother. Renu’s eyes well up.

Nakul steps back, tears glisten in his eyes as he looks at Niramitra with a pained expression, he knew that he might’ve been hurt, but this was unexpected… he never thought that Niru would hate him to this extent.

“NIRAMITRA! Enough! Go to your room now! If you can’t show him the respect that he deserves as your father then you can go to your room!”

“Renu, he’s just a chi-“


“STOP IT! Is this what I taught you?! You give him the respect that he deserves, or you’ll go to your room!”

“What happened mom? You know what he did! Why should I give him any respect?!?”

“He’s Maharani’s guest… we need to give him the respect he deserves”

Niru freezes at the word Maharani and quickly looks around as if his eyes were searching for something… more precisely someone and turns back to Nakul.

“I don’t care whose guest he is! I’m giving him the respect he deserves as a father!... and as for him being a rajkumar, I apologize to the rajkumar of Indraprastha ...” He says storming off.

“Niru wait!” The couple say together and follow Niru to his room,

“I’m fine!” Niru says shutting the door and locking it just as they get there.

“Niru please open the door” Renu says in a panic, that confuses Nakul.

“Niru, kiddo open the door!” Nakul says knocking.

“Shut up! This is all your fault! N-now he’s locked himself in there! He is alone inside, what if something happened… I’ll not leave you if something happened to my son!” Renu says, pushing him away, her eyes filling with tears and continues panicking.

“Renu what did I do now! I want him to come out too!!"

“You don’t know him Nakul! You don’t know anything about him! You don’t even know why I’m scared! Everything, all of this is because of you! YOU..!!! You are the reason my son is like this!” Renu snaps at him.

“You know what renu! Right now it’s more important we actually get him out first!” He says banging on the door once again but is stopped by a panicked renu…

“Don’t bang on the door! Just go Nakul! I know how to take care of my son!”

“Our son! He’s our son! God renu! I’m trying! At least give me a chance!” Nakul says frustrated.

“This is happening because of all the chances I gave you! Just leave! It’s best for everyone!” Renu screams.

“Well Renu if you want me gone so bad maybe I will!” Nakul screams back and leaves frustrated...

On the other side of the door… leaning against it on the floor sat Niru tears streaming down his face, hands shaking slightly as he curled up into himself hugging his knees…

Karuneya Niramitra; an untold storyWhere stories live. Discover now