Chapter 9 - Sophie/Fitz POV

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Sophie POV:

Seriously? Again! Another part of a riddle? I assumed this symbol was part of a letter, just like the last two made the letter S. But I didn't really know what this ones would spell, or could spell. So far I'd come up with a bunch of different solutions. I sat on my bed for a little longer, thinking, before deciding to head out.  Before I left though, I grabbed Rohan's book and put it in a side satchel and headed out.

There wasn't much to do today, except for the part where I was leaving tomorrow to wake up Keefe. Just thinking about it made me nervous. So many things could go wrong, and I wasn't ready to accept defeat. I was terrified to sum it up. If something went wrong when getting the ingredients, there was the small chance that Keefe would never wake up. If something went wrong while we were waking up Keefe, well, theres many outcomes to that.

I walked into the hallway and headed outside. Grady and Edaline were still staying in a small hut next to the Vackers mansion, but because of my condition when I first moved in I had decided to stay in the Vackers mansion. It was easier for me to just stay in the mansion and have everything close by and not have to do any extra walking. And sense I had already unpacked all my stuff, I decided to just stay in the mansion.

I was thinking of joining to see of Grady and Edaline were up, but then I remembered they said they had a meeting with the council this morning. They refused to tell me what was happening, but I assumed I would eventually learn because I was on team Valiant. Speaking of team Valiant, we had decided to meet up today after school. Elwin still didn't want me to go to school, but Mr. Forkle would be here soon to deliver me some more homework to catch up on. 

I ended up walking close to the back of the yard, and ended up next to a pond. The water was clear and small crystals lightened up the sides. There wasn't any life inside the pond, making it seem like it had used to be a place where elves would hang out. It looked forgotten by the elves, but nature hadn't forgotten. Grass had grown surrounding the pond, and tress covered it up shading the pond from the sun keeping the water cool. What I assumed used to be a path was now covered with rocks and short grass. The place seemed magical, and I wondered how anyone could forget about this place. As I looked around I realized that from the path leading to the back you couldn't see the pond, and the path mostly blended in with its surroundings.

I should of probably showed the Vackers the pond, but I decided against it. I don't know why I decided to keep it to myself, but I felt like it was one place where I could go where people wouldn't know I was here, one place where I could relax. The pond seemed to relax me, the soft and calm clear water and light from the crystals were soothing, and it just felt nice to be near the pond.

I walked over to the edge of the pond and sat down, but I didn't put my feet in. If I got wet I didn't have anything to dry myself off, and if I walked back wet people would be confused and ask questions. So I just sat there, staring at the calm waters of the pond. As I sat there, I pulled out Rohan's book and started reading, and more questions arose when I finished the first page.

Fitz POV

After Sophie told me I was able to go with her to get the ingredients, it felt like my heart was weightless and soaring. After stressing about it so much, it felt nice to get it off my chest.

I went up to my room and sat down at my desk. Originally, I was going to do some homework, but now I decided to add another entry into my journal. Yes, I have a journal. I know, I know, your probably wondering why I have a journal? Journals are so girly! Well, they actually aren't, and they really help me with my feelings. I also wanted to be able to look back when I'm older on something and see what had happened when we were battling the Neverseen. I was also scared that if I died, no one would have anything to remember me by, know what I had thought, so I decided a journal could be like my last conversations with the reader, even if I'm not physically there.

I grabbed the journal from one of the drawers on my desk and started writing,

Date: #/#/####

Today there are a bunch of thoughts racing through my mind. Or I should say were, because after I finally talked to Sophie about me going to help her receive the final ingredient or ingredients,  it feels like my thoughts have been cleared. I have hope, hope that everything will work out. Hope that Keefe will wake up, and hope that things will work out between me and Sophie.

But with hope, there comes fear. Fear that once Keefe wakes up everything will change. I know Keefe has a crush on Sophie, its not hidden very well. Whats going to happen when we tell Keefe Sophie and I got back together? Is he going to be mad? Sad? Confused? Disappointed? I don't know, and I hate not knowing. If you don't know, the outcome could come out in many different ways, it could go the way you want it, or go the complete opposite. It could throw a curved ball at you, and you wouldn't see it coming.

All I know is that I still have Sophie, and she has me. And it doesn't matter what Keefe thinks, if we're happy then theres nothing Keefe can do to ruin that. I don't care what fight Keefe makes, nor how hard he fights, I won't let him win. 

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