Chapter 3

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Ok so obviously Tommy is in this one so cuss warning also anxiety mention Idk if that bothers people or not so I'm going to put it as a warning and I'm not shipping him with Tubbo I just love their *BROSHIP*

Y/n pov
Y'all were almost at the beach, and a bit of anxiety filled me. Your hands shook uncontrollably and You shivered. Wilbur noticed. "It will be ok they'll love you, even if Tommy has a weird way of showing it." Wilber reassured you, he also put on hand on your shoulder. You felt a sense of comfort flood over you. He was the only escape you've ever had from your anxiety. And that made the relationship so much mor meaningful to you. You realized that y'all had parked and you looked to your left and saw Toby and Tommy in the car next to y'all with Mother InnIt. (Toby is Tubbo for anyone who doesn't know) "hey guys!" Wilbur yelled opening his door. You got out right after him. You forgot you'd never done a face reveal for Tommy or Toby, and they were shocked by your appearance. "Y yu your beautiful y/n." Toby stuttered. "Thanks Toby. At idiot child how you doing." You yelled at Tommy. "He is a child too!" Tommy raged. Then you all laughed. Toby and Tommy player on a jungle gym and Wilbur eventually joined them. You regretted wearing a dress, so you just sat down on a bench. "Hey." I family voiced say from behind you. You looked away from the jungle gym and saw Eret. "Oh my god what are you doing here!?" You yelled. You jumped up and hugged him. "I knew it was you!" He exclaimed. "But anyways why are you here?" You asked again. "Oh just saw Tommy's post about coming her with Tubbo and Wilber, so I wanted to see if a bi king could tag along." Eret laughed. "Omg!" You said.
Y'all sat on the bench and played among us on y'all's phones. "Hey wanna go get some lunch?" Wilbur asked running over to you. "Sure. Just give me a sec Will." You replied.
____________________________________Wilbur's POV
Y/n called me Will again. He thought. The sound of this nickname made his heart happy. He loved y/n very much so much words couldn't explain it. So much that he always wanted to be with her. "Let's go to the cafe." Eret offered. When Wilbur saw Eret he jumped a bit not knowing he was there. "Sure." Wilbur replied. "If that's ok with Y/n." He said. "Yeah sure." Y/n answered.
____________________________________Y/N POV
You jumped in the car with all the 3 boys. Eret had walked here so he took mother InnIt's car, with permission of coarse. "Woman in the car oh come on why couldn't she rude with Eret?" Tommy raged. You and Wilbur hadn't told them y'all were dating yet. "Well Umm, because she is my girlfriend." Wilbur said. Tommy look had 4 different emotions rage, confusion, embarrassment. And lastly he seemed a little happy!? "Omg, good for you too!" Toby yelled. "Thanks Toby." You replied. You are literally the only person in the world besides for maybe his mom who calls him Toby. "Nice Wilbur got yourself a bitch to take care of." Tommy sayed after just staring at them for a like while. You understood this was just how Tommy was but Wilbur got protective. "She is not a bitch don't act like a stupid mother fucker!" He yelled. Tommy stree blankly at Wilbur then muttered something no one could really hear and opened the door and got in the car with Eret. Tubbo blinked dumbfounded while Wilbur leaned his head against the steering wheel and you started to cry. Tommy is going to hate me. Wait he is gonna be mad at Will oh no I can't ruin their friendship oh no I'm ruining everything. You anxiety kicked in as you thought those horrible thoughts. "I'm gonna go and just let you and the boys go, I don't want to ruin any..." you got interrupted. "You aren't ruining anything this is my fault. But I'll drop you off at the house. If that's what you want." Wilbur said. You nodded. You were to worried you'd mess up the broship that meant so much to both of them. You got back to your house and just jumped on your bed and cried it out a bit. Then Wilbur texted you.
Hey are you ok?
                                                    I'm fine probably gonna
                                                     Call a friend for a bit
Do you want me to come
Home now or what
                                                       No you can just hang         
                                                       With the boys I'm ok
Ok 😘

You did want to call a friend you just weren't sure who. But then you remembered one of your best friends was live so you'd just join on the Smp and mess with him. You started a stream, "Hey guys it's your girl u/n (username) and today I'm going to be messing with a friend of mine. Hehe!" You exclaimed. Your chat practically was screaming who.
"I'm going to be messing with Karl duh." You exclaimed pulling up his stream on yours to see what he was doing. He was just running in circles while Sapnap was shooting cows with arrows. You laughed then said "Two birds one stone." You crafted an end crystal and sneaked up on the two boys. You joined there call with out letting them know "This isn't fair you can't kill Henry when he is already in the afterlife!" Karl exclaimed. Then you set the end crystal and started laughing. Both boys screamed very loudly. "Oh I didn't know Georgenotfound was on the phone." You teased. "Oh shut up." Karl whined then did a fake pouty face in his face cam. You laughed again. "It's the weirdo who lost us the manhunt." Sapnap giggled. "Oh my god shut up!" You yelled. "Oop well that's the 2 hour mark so imma head out." Sapnap said then did his outro. You talked for about 1 more hour with Karl before you ended your streak too. Wilbur had got home and you hugged him. He handed you a bag of popcorn and said "let's watch a movie!" You nodded and y'all snuggled up on the couch and watched "The Notebook." The y'all watched all of the "Umbrella Academy" you fell asleep on the couch cuddled up to Wilbur and that's the only place you wanted to be.

Hey guys, I just got quarantined due to COVID do I should be able to update Moore often for the next2 weeks. Motivation comes at weird times doesn't it! xD

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