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You feel completely useless...

Pathetic, as if you die or kill yourself things won't change, that things will never get better.

You lose all hope, you start to give up on life but why end it?

Why not be strong for once?

Some wise once told me that "suicide does NOT end the chances of life getting WORSE; suicide ELIMINATES the possibility of it ever getting BETTER."

Why not hold on to that last hope?

You can be taunted, harassed, teased, even abused physically but all I know is that in every case no matter what it is it always hurts the same.

Being hit or being yelled at, they all leave the same nasty scars behind.

Most people don't understand how bad it hurts, how bad you just want to close your eyes and disappear but for once I just say keep holding on.

Everybody hurts, everybody is insecure, and it's embracing your flaws what makes you beautiful.

But there are points when you cry, you look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself.

What did I do wrong?

What did I ever do to deserve this?

Don't let the bullies, don't let it stop you, be strong, be who you are no matter what. Prove to people that you are better than that, that you are not weak.

Prove them that you deserve to live, you deserve to be happy.

Don't let it stop you like it almost stopped me.

Never give up, don't give up like I almost did, but with that being said...


This is my story...

Payback Is a Bitch (A Rock N Roll Soul Story Part I)Where stories live. Discover now