im sorry

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please expect little or no chapter updates. as much as i try to sit there and type a few words every day, im running out of energy and motivation. normally this story is used as a ventfic, that's why everything just gets worse and worse, but i guess there really isn't ever a true happy ending. so, im sorry.

if you need to vent or rant, id feel a lot better knowing i helped someone.

discord: Resketch#0350

twitter: Resketchh

please excuse me being somewhat inactive on twitter, ill try to respond as quickly as i can.

if you are having suicidal thoughts, this is to you:

i know that life is hard. it's okay. everyone has their highs and lows, but in the end, you'll reach the light at the end of the tunnel, and you'll regret it if you ever did follow through with your ideas. think about all the things you'd miss. your animals, favorite youtubers, video games, the foods you loved the most and the moments with others that you cherished from the bottom of your heart even if they're gone now. you are worth it. i love you. you've gotten this far, and there's so much left to see. it may feel like everything just gets worse and worse, and that you're just a puppet and everyone's pulling on your strings, but it gets better. i can be your shoulder to lean on, my dms are always open. wherever you can find me, you can talk to me.

if you are feeling lonely, this is to you:

you are not alone in the way you feel. someone out there is waiting for you to text them every hour of the day. someone may look at you and want to talk to you, but may not have the courage to. even if you're not ready yet, just promise me that one day you'll make an attempt to talk to someone. you may be the one iconic duo that everyone whispers about. my dms are open, and i like to say im fairly friendly. this paragraph isn't that long, and im sorry. im not good with advice.

if you have a fear of rejection, this is to you:

please stop isolating yourself. I've done it. I'm still doing it, and i regret it. i know you're thinking "they have other friends, i don't want to talk to them anyways." I'm sure they'd love to talk to you. i know you think you're just entertaining yourself when you sit there alone, watching whoever you watch and playing video games, or drawing, or reading or writing, but really you're distracting yourself from the walls you've built around yourself. I know someone probably hurt you, but please don't get stuck on them. I hate texting first because I want to know other people want to talk to me. don't think that way. it's not worth the damage it does to you mentally, and physically. it weathers down your emotions strip by strip until you're so sensitive that you can't talk to other people anymore. i love you, and it's okay if you're not ready to talk to other people yet. that's fine, but at some point you have to get rid of the weight you're surrounding yourself in. it'll make you happier, trust me.

to anyone and everyone with some sort of heavy baggage or worries:

it's okay. let your mind rest. nobody hates you. nobody's staring at you, and nobody's judging you. you don't know what people think when they look at you, so it's better to try and think positive than negative. it's okay if you can't hold eye contact. it's okay if you aren't ready to try and talk to people. it's okay to cry and spill your heart out. you'll get there. just remember, your problems are never irrational. if anything is bothering you and you need to tell someone, im right here if you need me.


if you want to vent, you can. if you want to rant, you can. if you want to scream, you can. although im not the best at giving advice back, im willing to listen to what you have to say because your voice matters. nobody gets to talk over you, no matter what you've been through. i will go through whatever pain it takes just to make someone else feel better, even if just a little bit.

once again, im sorry.
ill see you around. i love you, okay?
- Resketch

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