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"I'm terribly sorry" the doctor said as he hung his head. All of Emily's chosen family was there, Dave, Penelope, Spencer, Derek, Hotch and JJ. Despite all loving Emily deeply, they all had completely different reactions; but at first, they all froze. When he finally came to his senses, Derek fell to his knees, unable to speak. Silently, Dave began to cry, as he let Penelope weep into his shoulder. Hotch looked down, he felt as though he had failed, not only Emily, but the entire team. Spencer held JJ's hand, as he wondered what he could've done.
But JJ, she just sat there, she didn't cry, she didn't say anything, she just sat there; unable to process what had just happened. Her best friend, no; the person closest to her in the world was gone. She couldn't comprehend it, Emily was gone, forever.
They didn't say much to each other before the funeral; JJ didn't say anything at all. When the day finally came, each team member got dressed in black and made their way to the cemetery. One of Emily's final wishes was that JJ give the speech at her funeral; and she wrote the speech, but she couldn't read it outloud, so Hotch read it instead. That day was sad, but it allowed them to grieve and process her death. However, Emily still had one final request.

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