Him and I such a klutz

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9:30 on dot Mrs.McCoy stared out the day with yelling ROSE.....!!!! . In her hateful voice that matching her body and her style . 5'4 tall old winkers all over her body and short gray hair and green eyes. She always wears plain or black , today was black .

There you are she said in her old mean voice sounds like rocks crushed together and breathe was kicking. Not late today the only thing you do right for whole day . Now today is very busy day for me and kira because we have very big meeting with peter facinelli to market his new Cologne and he is a actor if you didn’t know that!

She yelled at me and all offices could hear too. There was a long sec's of quiet moments. Now want you to get 4 cups coffee here what we want. She handed me with her bonier fingers a sticky note with fancy writing on it said 2 low fat lattes

with skin milk and 2 black coffees.

And want get these files from Jaime and rose no hen talk. That not what I paid you for. I quickly speed walk to our Little cafe in our building hand her the list and money for them 8.00 dollars no money leftover.

Got the coffees than slowly speed over to Jamie desk, the witch running you down peach she said in her southern accent of her voice. You know it girl I sweetly smile back,

you want the files on peter now sweet peach. Yes, Jamie I’ll see ya later than I pick up the folders put them under the left arm was not carrying the coffee at the time. Slowly speed through the hallway. Than I heard the elevation ding than people stared get off on this floor. Than it happen I wasn't for a split sec than bump into young man, cute and good looking too. He wearing some kind of white sweater and when bump into each other papers went flying across everywhere than the cool coffee went on both of us my skirt and his sweater and coffee was everywhere on floor.

Than I started to pick the paper and files and he helped too. He handed what he pick up to me and I said so sweetly and sadly I am so sorry about your sweater we both rise from the floor meeting our eyes his was a gray-blue color and his blond-brown messy hair.

Than he said so caring and sweet voice this is all my fault I was not watching where I was going because..... he stopped in middle of sentence I said because of what . what? I asked so shy to him. Because... I saw you I guess your beauty dislocated my mind what I was doing. I am so sorry than rude ,yelling stop us from talking. Rose....Rose look what you did to Peter!!!!!!!!! . Than worst part of the day took part. She took her hand slap me both sides of my face hearing clack and clack across my face and red at both sides.

Hearing ohhhs from offices. Kind saw peter's face shocked and he didn’t know what to do. Than she punch me in the nose than my nose stared to heavy blood come out.

Than took her skinny hands on my arms shake me again and again over and over for while than she let me go and pushed me to the floor than she call me names such as ugly and dummy .

Peter pushed through the crowd than came down my level pick me up I put my head at his should he ran somewhere than my eyes and mind went black.

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