Lancelot's funeral

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Before you start real quick, this is my first story and I am simultaneously terrified and excited to publish it. I don't own Merlin, only this story. I did not make the cover, but it is beautiful and I love it. Please comment to say what you think, I should publish about once a week. I am completely ready for no one to read this since it's been 8 years since season 5 of Merlin. If you are reading thank you, thank you, thank you. Now onto the storyyyyy...

Merlin watched Lancelot's dead body flow out towards the sea. Merlin panicked; the only person other than Gaius who had known was dead. Merlin looked over at Arthur, the person who could never accept him. The one person he wanted to. Merlin walked over to one of the tents after the ceremony, unable to stare into the lake for much longer. He got a drink of water and turned around to see Arthur behind him. Arthur grabbed him by the sleeve and dragged him behind the tent.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you. Are you alright?"

"No, Lancelot is dead. I couldn't save him."

"It's not your fault, Merlin."

"I trusted him with- With everything, and now he's gone. He already died, and then he died again...." A tear ran down Merlin's cheek and Arthur pulled him into a hug. Merlin was surprised for a moment, then hugged him back, accepting the comfort.

"What did you tell Lancelot that you didn't tell me?"

Merlin jerks away from Arthur. "What? Why do you care?"

"You can tell me stuff."

"Some of it. Lancelot was a good friend"

"You couldn't have saved him. It was his choice."

"I could have. I can always save you but never Lancelot."

Arthur laughed. "When have you saved me, Merlin?"

"Nearly every day."

"You've got an imagination."

"No, Arthur. I use magic."

Both Merlin and Arthur gasp. It had simply slipped out of Merlin's mouth.

Arthur started laughing, "You've gone mad!"

Merlin wasn't sure why, but he didn't go with it. He was tired of lying. "No I haven't." Merlin lit his hand on fire. Arthur stared at it, and then backed up.

"No. No, no, no, no, no."

"Do you not know me, anymore? Do you hate me now? An evil sorcerer in your very midst."

"No, I don't know. I thought- I thought I loved you."

Merlin recoiled. "And now you don't! Of course, you wouldn't because you never cared. Sorcery is evil. You know what, I thought I loved you too, yet if your feelings change so quickly, I suppose I was being stupid."

"You were."

Merlin backed away, pain on his features. He ran back to Camelot where he packed his things. He ran off into the forest, pain radiating through him. He ran into an old man, one that looked a bit like Dragoon. Merlin stopped because he's dragoon...The man looked down at Merlin.

"You mustn't run. Your absence will bring ruin to Camelot."

"Will someone finally murder Arthur?"

"No. You must be wary of Guinevere. Grief can do horrible things to people. You must keep her where Morgana cannot find her. Treat her like all other servants so she does not feel special. Guinevere's destiny was to be the Queen of Camelot by marriage to Arthur, but that has changed. Her destiny is laden with death and destruction from here on, both of her doing and of others. You must do something and stay out of her way."

Merlin gaped at the man. He heard Arthur shouting behind him, who must have found his trail. He looked behind him to check and saw the red cape behind him. Merlin looked back toward the sorcerer, but he was gone. Merlin processed the information as he ran from Arthur. He ducked into a corner and Arthur passed by him. Merlin looked around him. And saw the valley of the kings. It had bandits everywhere, but Merlin could deal with them with his magic. He found a cave that looked like the bandits wouldn't bother him, and settled down. Three days passed when he heard rustling outside. Merlin got ready for whatever unlucky bandits had found him when he sees the swish of a red cape. It was Arthur. Arthur had found him.

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