Chapter 4 - The Mission.

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The hub.

Coulson is being taken to an interrogation room; the guards shove him in a chair.

"I don't mean to alarm you, but I think you may have a mold problem. That sink with the standing water seems especially concerning." Phil piped up. One of the guards punches him in the face to shut him up, it doesn't work.

"Prosto podozhdi, poka syuda pribudic sledovatel'. Togda on ne budet ulybat'sya. (Just wait until the interrogator gets here. He won't be smiling then.) One of the guards said to the other, they both laughed.

"Looking forward to it." Coulson smiled. The interrogator walks in and looks at the tools laid out on the table, picks one up and walks over to Coulson. "You have the intel on you? They know."

"They know?" The interrogator cocked his head slightly.

"We have three minutes, Agent Shaw." Phil informed as Agents May and Lee rush onto the scene and knock out the guards, Coulson breaks off his handcuffs. Ward then enters the room to join the group.

"Time to go, Agents." Ward says.

"Exit?" Coulson inquiries.

"Follow me." May said.

"I was wondering what you guys had been up to." Coulson comments. May jumped up, turned the wheel and opened a hatch.


"Alright" The five of them climb the ladder, getting out of the underground base and onto sleds.

"Where are the dogs?" Shaw asked Coulson.

"Don't be ridiculous." Phil replied, smirking to himself.


Simmons, Coulson, Lee and Shaw are in the lab. Simmons is holding a rod whilst Shaw looks nervous.

"I bet you're usually the one holding something like this." Coulson said, trying to calm him. There's an x-ray like camera on the screen showing the capsule in Agent Shaw's nose.

"Don't worry, she knows what she's doing." Taylor says as Simmons gives a reassuring smile.

"Whatever you do, don't breathe." Simmons informed, Shaw held his breath, Jemma smirks a little. "That was a joke. You should, of course, feel comfortable breathing if you need to, just not through your nose. And very minimally through your mouth." She sticks the rod up his nose. Taylor and Phil cringed as they both watched the screen as Shaw groaned uncomfortably as the rod grabs the capsule and pulls it out of his nose. "Ah, here we are."

"Is that all the intel you recovered?" Taylor asked.

"I certainly hope so." Shaw replied while massaging his nose, Simmons opened the capsule and gave Coulson the chip that was inside it.

"Well, thank you, Agent Shaw, for keeping it safe... up there." Coulson said sceptically.

"We'll push it through to the Hub." Taylor told him; Simmons gave a look of excitement.

"In fact, we're headed there right now to drop you off. Get you a change of clothes, a proper meal, you'll be as good as new." Phil informed.

"The hub? Really?" Simmons beamed, "How exciting. It's been ages." She added as Agents Lee, Coulson and Simmons exit the lab and walk up the spiral staircase to the lounge, where Skye, Fitz, Ward and May were waiting for their orders.

"Oh, good. Done with that paranasal extraction nonsense." Fitz started walking over to the other three agents. "Do you need me to analyse the data?"

"That won't be necessary." Phil says to the engineer.

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