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"My love, let us speak about this!!"
"There is nothing left to speak of, husband. Haven't you realised.. rat? I am a serpent, poisonous fangs and muscular body. For all this time I laid still and calm, my stomach filled and my temper tamed. But now I am starving. And the rat that could rest beside me before I shall now devour."
The man cries out one last time as the statue is bashed into his head, the crown tumbling onto the marble floor now stained with blood, and the woman pulls out a jagged blade, setting it onto his neck. Blood splatters everywhere as she saws through skin, bone and flesh until she holds the dripping head in her hand, her fingers holding it up by the dark locks now drenched in blood. She wipes away a particularly runny droplet on her cheek, smearing her face with the red liquid of life.
Walking through the room she picks up the crown on the ground, placing it onto her head.
This was what she was meant to do all along. This was her prophecy. Her calling. "My.." Looking at the familiar guard staring at her shocked she walks up to him, still carrying the disembodied head. Blood stains his cheek as she cups it, leaning in close, their lips almost touching. "I am the monarch now and my first order is.. bring me the head of the woman be brought here from Essos to bed. It shall join his in front of the gates. My second order is.. get someone to clean up this mess. It's disgusting." Her dark green eyes pierce those of the guard nodding quickly. "Yes, your highness.", he breathes in awe. "Good." She turns around, her back facing him. "Hurry. I didn't give you all day." The man nods, hurrying away. His heart beating out of his chest.

Robert Baratheon slams down the letter, making the men before him jump ever so slightly. "What is it this time?", Tywin Lannister, the old lion, asks, sipping from his wine. "Our alliance with Matos is over and done with.", Robert grunts. "And why is that?" "He's dead." The men all lean forward. It was getting interesting. "So? Then his heir surely will continue the alliance and trade." "There is no heir. He was beheaded. By his witch of a wife who is now queen and announcing herself cutting all ties with us!", he pushes the letter over to Tywin who reads through it.
"The woman is smarter than she should be for her own good. She noticed that she was making losses all along, trading with us..." "Most of the resources Kings Landing and Westeros need are supplied by Matos and Highgarden. How will we gather them now?!"


All images I haven't drawn myself you can find on the pinwall liked with the external link below. That link will only show to those who use the website and will be unavailable with the App!
Enjoy the first fanfic of 2021.
Wishing all of you out there the best.

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