Chapter 4

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The comeback came and went, fansigns and concerts also. Everything was going well. San had not had an attack since Wooyoung found out.

It was their day off and they all went to a small amusement park. Everyone had an amazing day. San and Wooyoung went on all the roller coasters, Seonghwa and Hongjoong played arcade games and won stuffed animals, Jongho spent a lot of time breaking records at the punching machines, Mingi following him so he could brag about his strength, and Yeosang and Yunho walked around dissing each other and laughing together.

When they got home, Hongjoong sat everyone down, told them to close their eyes, and put something in each of their laps. They opened their eyes and saw that each of them had received a stuffed animal that Hongjoong and Seonghwa had won.

Jongho had received a small lion that he proceeded to name Tiny. Wooyoung named his new sheep Grace. Yeosang got a fox and said his name was Mr. Fox. Yunho got a bunny and named it Fluffers. Hongjoong kept for himself a minion that he called Korean Minion. Seonghwa kept the cat and named it Felix. Mingi received a giraffe and called it Shorty. San looked down at the puppy stuffy in his lap. It looked like a Shibur he decided.

When they went to sleep, San cuddled Shibur the whole night and also the next night and the one after that. Shibur became an emotional support for San. He brought him everywhere in his carry bag.

When Shibur was misplaced, everyone searched for an hour until he was found. It was soon known that if you saw Shibur, San would be somewhere nearby.

San was happy. He had Shibur, Ateez, and Atiny. He completely forgot about his anxiety until it struck again.

A/N The appearance of Shibur. 

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