1| Westwood High

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Chapter 1: Westwood High (Emma's POV)

I chewed on my french toast while my mom explained everything to me as if I were still in middle school. "When you get to the school, head straight for the front office, all right? They'll give you your locker number, your schedule, names of all your teachers, and even the topics that you've missed from your syllabus, all right?" 

"Mom, I've missed one week of school, okay? It's the new school year. I'm sure I'll be able to catch up and anyway, I'm sure Kendall will help me." Kendall is my cousin and my favorite one at that. 

We recently just moved out here to Coronado, California after living in Miami for the past 5 years. This is our hometown but we moved out to Miami for my mom's work. My dad is traveling most of the time, mainly back and forth between New York and wherever we live. He's been running his business there since he graduated from college and that's where my parents met while my mom was on vacation. He did move back here a few months later but he flew back and forth to run his business and he still does. 

"I love you mom, bye," I sang, standing up and heading for the door, grabbing my keys on the way. I got in and then drove off, heading for the school. I knew the way because we went and saw it earlier when we arrived. 

Once I got there and found a spot to park my car, I climbed out of my car, grabbing my backpack from the passenger seat. I sighed, locking the car while throwing my hair up in a ponytail. I lifted my head up to head inside when I noticed everybody that was here, staring at me. 

The guy who was parking next to me also rolled his window down just to look at me. 

"Is there a show going on?" I asked him. He snapped out of it and rolled his window up. I rolled my eyes, heading inside, spotting Kendall waiting for me at the gate. 

"Emma, hey," she sang, pulling me into a hug. 

"Hey, um, why the hell is everybody staring at me?" I asked as she took me inside, leading me to the head office. It's a small town and so is the school. 

"We don't really get new students around here, that's why everyone's staring. Nobody knows you here," she shrugged. 

"Right," I said slowly, observing my surroundings. We did the boring stuff and got it out of the way, getting my schedule, setting up my locker, all that stuff, and then she took me to my creative writing class which was luckily the first period for both of us. I walked into class, both of us still standing at the front. We were a little late because of all the going around, organizing me for my time here. 

"Yes?" the teacher asked. 

Kendall nudged me forward. "Uh, hi. I'm a new student here, my name is Emma Hayden," I smiled. 

"Ah, yes. Ms. Hayden, we've been waiting for you to arrive," he smiled, "I'm Mr. Cole, I'm your creative writing teacher, I'm the only creative writing teacher this school has got so if you take my class, you're stuck with me. Kendall, please take your seat. Sorry to disappoint, we've got assigned seats in this class. And you can take a seat next to..." he trailed off, his eyes scanning the classroom. "Hmm," he fell into thought. There are a couple of spare seats around here, I'm guessing some students are skipping class. 

Is that it hard to tell me where to sit? 

"Ah, next to Mr. Sterling, please. Mr. Sterling, raise your hand." 

I turned to the classroom, looking around a boy raising his hand but nobody was. "I'm afraid Mr. Sterling isn't raising his hand," I said, smiling at Mr. Cole. 

"Right, last row, the boy with the black hood on," he smiled. I turned around, spotting the guy. 


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