6| Psychology

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Chapter 6: Psychology (Nathan's POV)

"But uh, she just said it isn't taken," Liam said. 

"Well, now I said it is," I shrugged. Emma cleared her throat, looking at me in confusion. 

"But she just said I can sit there," he laughed humorlessly. 

"And now I'm saying you can't." She cleared her throat again. We both turned to her. 

"It wasn't me," she shook her head. 

Then we both turned to the front of the class where our teacher, Mr. Joshua stood. "Any problem, gentlemen?" he asked. 

"No, sir," I said, quickly sliding into the seat beside Emma's. The thing is, in this classroom, the seats are in pairs. Two people sit together. She gave Liam an apologetic smile while he went and found another seat. 

"Hi," I nodded. 

"That was unnecessary," she whispered. 

"All right, yesterday I gave you guys a free lesson and only the syllabus. Now, we don't need to follow that syllabus in order. So, out of all the topics, you as a class can decide what we will study first. We'll vote." The top two things our class was interested in, psychologically, were the mind of a criminal and love. And we even did a re-vote but it keeps coming down to a tie. 

"How about we leave it up to our new student, Ms. Hayden?" 

"Uh oh," she mumbled, "What?" 

"The mind of a criminal or love? What would you like to study?" he asked. 

"Sir, how is it fair for me to decide for the rest of the class? We should just um, uh..." 

"What do you wanna study?" I whispered. 

"Love, but-" 

"She chose love," I said. 

"Then love it shall be." Half the class groaned, the other half cheered. I voted for the mind of a criminal myself because love sucks. 

"You're such an idiot, 50% of my psychology class hates me now," she groaned, putting her head down on the table. 

"And 50% loves you," I scoffed, "Now focus." 

"Okay, the definition of love, can anyone give it to me?" Plenty of hands went up. Plenty. But this bastard wants to choose me. "Mr. Sterling?" he smiled. 

"Fuckface," I whispered to myself, "Um, I think love is uh, I don't- how do you explain that?" I shrugged. 

"Ms. Hayden, you wanna give it a try?" 

She hesitated, looking up from the textbook where she was reading about criminal minds. 

What is this girl? She chose love! 

"I think it's when you have an intense feeling of affection for someone," she shrugged. 

"Correct, that is almost the exact definition..." he trailed off, starting class but I watched as she made notes on criminal minds. 

"Have you done this before?" I whispered. 

"What?" she asked, focused on her notes. 

"Studied the psychology of love?" 

"Yeah, it's the first thing we did back in Miami," she replied. 

"Then why are you making the class do it now?" 

"Cause I already know it, the test will be easier for me," she shrugged. 

"And Mr. Sterling, the three components of love, which you should know if you were listening just a second ago?" he questioned. 

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